[MoHA] Weekly Round-up

Day 878, 11:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

NNA roundup under the new media team :

Horicehttp://erepcentral.com/navy/img.aspx" />


Push the button ?

Now to articles worthy of a mention

Starting with the Primeministers article of the week....

PM's Choice

Congratz to elbanaan

A poet can write about a man slaying a dragon,
but not about a man pushing a button that releases a bomb.

W. H. Auden

[PM] Making our Military V2 Ready!

[MoHA] Week One

[MoHA] The Gifting Hub strikes back!

[MoHA] Interview with Dishmcds

MoHA Pheonix News

The atomic bomb will never go off,
and I speak as an expert in explosives.

Admiral William Leahy,to President Truman in 1945

MoD Paper

Aaaaaa hoooo! Waaaaa hooooo!
Major T. J. King Kong

Interesting month for PP Elections

Party papers


TUP (The Unity Party)

UKRP (United Kingdom Reform Party)

RFA (Radical Freethinkers Alliance)

PCP (People's Communist Party)



FDP (Free Democratic Party)

SDP (Social Democratic Party)

TSP (The Socialist Party)

PDP (People's Democrasy Party)

TRS (The Real Spamicans)

PP's send your weekly choice of party article to be included.

One has to look out for engineers they begin with
sewing machines and end up with the atomic bomb

Marcel Pagnol

The Sports Times

Come on regions lets get some articles written

The MoHA Entertainment team

The new MoHA entertainment team will be running
fun and game on the forums again this month so
get yourselves over there and join in the

Get onto the eUK Forums Entertainment section NOW!!

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,
but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein

The Printing Press - a Rip in the Redcoat

[HUN/UK] Ambassador's Welcome

Hello , United Kingdom

High Ranked Players!!

The other side of the coin...

The Trade Embaro With Ireland - Whats The Point?


Population Statistics 11th April

Burying the hatchet

BREAKING NEWS: Admins reverses invasion - GLaDOS REMAINS CP

Bill Forder recieves the..

Fail Article of the week

The NNA will be reinstating the Journalism Awards

We will release a seperate article to explain these

That's all the news we've got.

Horice and the team 🙂

And finally just for fun....

And remember to get involved on the eUK Forums

Help your country,sign up for the eUK Military

Learn about all aspects of the game on the Official eUK Wiki Page

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