[MoHA and MoSC] First Report!

Day 971, 19:32 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Foreign Affairs

This week as Minister of State Companies and Minister of Home Affairs. My team and I have been working on getting everything set up for the following weeks of this month. We have also been adjusting to V2 so it has taken about a week to get everything ready for the rest of the month.

Our finances look great for citizen.info, we have plenty of money since we do not have to buy gifts any more. Even though we still buy moving tickets for new players to move to Brussels. Our finances for eBe State Companies are looking ok, we are really trying to understand and fix the raw materials problem, which it seems everyone is having.

For what we are going to do for the next few weeks:


We are going to continue to give moving tickets to players that need them. We will also continue that auctions of a house once a week since many people could use a house. Also we will be giving players food if they need it.

eBe State Companies

We are going to try and fix the problem with the raw materials. We will also be working with other companies to coordinate and find out what jobs they need and appropriate salaries. Also find the amount of workers we have in eBelgium in each skill and try to shift it so we have a more balanced workforce.

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Minister of Home Affairs and State Companies