[MoH] Beginners Guide in 9 easy steps

Day 1,067, 13:59 Published in Canada Germany by Dr.Pain

A short guide for everybody new to this game.

eRepublik is a social-strategy game. You can work to earn money or found your own company an be your own boss. You can figth for your country, vote and start a political career. But maybe you are more of a writer? Found your own newspaper and gather enough subscribers to become a media modul.

If you put enough work in it you can do almost everything in eRepublik.

The first thing you should do is uploading your Avatar. Not only is it the best way to distinguish yourself from your fellow players - you also receive an experience point to upload your first avatar.

To change your avatar just click onto the avatar placeholder on the left side.

You are now on your profile page. Here you can see your accomplishments, money and inventory. Click on edit profile in the rigth corner. You have to enter your password for any changes in your profile. Upload a picture from your computer and stop being a part of the anonymous masses.

Like in the real world there are two ways to get money. The fastest is using your credit card and the high road is taking a job. To do that you have to go to the job market. Just click on Market -> Job market and take one in your skill level (that would be 0). Your first one migth not pay much, but that changes fast because you become more productive with every day you work.
You will notice up to 5 stars under the name of the company. The stars stand for the Quality level. The higher the Qulaity level of a company, the more wellness you loose with every day you work for them. Therefore you should search for the job that pays the most and costs you as little wellness as possible.
There is a work button on the front page. When you click it you will be directed to your workplace. Select the free booster and receive your first wage. If you work 30 days in a row (it does not have to be in the same company) you receive a treasure map which contains gold.

On the training ground you can train your military skill. Choose one skill and stick to it! There is absolutely no difference between them.
Just click on the train button on the front page and select the free booster. Try to train every day to increase your figthing power if you have to support your country on the battlefield.

When you are done with working and training you can head of to the battlefield. There are probably a lot of battles showing up in which you can participate. Alaways check out the battle orders from our Ministry of Defence!
A battle consists out of mini battles that last 2 hours. The side that wins the most mini battles wins. WHen you come on the battlefield the game will you give you the "ghost" of an enemy player to figth against. Every time you hit the Figth button you will loose 10 wellness points and cause damage on the ghost of your enemy. Don't worry: he can't hit you back. Once you defeated the ghost you will receive experience points and your contribution to the battle will be transmited. The more you and your comrates contribute, the bigger is the chance of our side winning. The side that contributed the most damage wins the mini battel. From time to time there is a hospital on the battlefield that allows you to heal a certain amount of wellness. This is a realy seldom occasion, therefore I don't need to explain how it works (I actually do not know😁).
This may sound a bit confusing at first but once you tried it out you will find that it is rather easy.

You will loose wellness with every daychange. You can eat food to regain this wellness or buy a house to recover the wellness during the daychange.
To buy food you should go to Market -> Marketplace and search for food that is as cheap as possible but also reflects your needs. There is no need to buy food which gives you 4 wellness points if you only need to recover 2.
If you want to figth more often you can recover up to 300 wellness points by eaing food. This means however that you have to visit the market place very often.

Why do you need wellness?
If you wellness drops to 0 you are dead.
The higher your wellness, the more productive you will be. This will probably result in a higher wage from your employer.

You can sort your inventory. I know that cleaning up sounds boring but behind this function lies a pretty good reason. If you eat food you will always use the first food out of your inventory and if you figth you will always use your first weapons. Chances are that you have different kinds of food and wepons in your inventory. With the possibility to edit your inventory you can decide what is consumed first. Just go to Profile -> Inventore -> Edit inventoty and move your items.

What I explained to you above are just the basics of this game. Your daily tasks are to work and figth. If it is possible you can also figth. But that alone does not sound very fun, does it? There is a hughe community just waiting to integrate you into the meta game.
Our country consists out of various "guilds" and you can join more than one. The two biggest groups are the military organisations. We have the official military: the Canadian Armed Forces and a very successfull private milita: the Crimson Order. AFter that there are the parties of this country and you don't have to persue a political career to join one. All these "guilds" work together and against each other to form the eCanadian community.

Civil Defence Orders
Don't waste damage by always figthing where you are told.

eCanadian Forum
The most important tool to participate in the community. You need to have an account here if you want to join the CAF.

The IRC channel is your second most important tool to participate in the community

eRepublik Wiki
Here you can find a lot of historic information about eRepublik as well as all formulas

Alias Vision asked me to finaly write an actuall guide for the current version of eRepublik. I used an old V2 guide from the German Einsteigerhilfe translated it and had to update a lot. The eWorld is currently changing realy fast and it is hard to keep up with all that change.
I wrote the training and battle part in consideration of the changes that we were expectedg to hit this week. However I had to change that again, because they are going to change it later (and who knows how ....) that.😁

There are probably a lot of spelling errors in this guide. Temujin wanted to correct them, but I guess we'll have to wait for t

Why did I publish this in my personal paper? I had the guide ready for well over a week now and was just waiting to publish it because I had no time for the graphics (you better like them!). Alias Vision and I were under the asumption that we had access to the MoE org, however the password does not work. Instead of waiting until the pw is recovered I am just going ahead teaching Newbs.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to drop me a pm.

Minister of Heritage