[MoFA] Report about last events in the eWorld

Day 1,429, 02:36 Published in Slovakia Belarus by Jan Karal Chadkievicz
Greetings. As vice minister of Foreign Affairs I want to write report about work of our ministry.

1. Southern Bohemia:

Today we succesfully liberated Southern Bohemia. Austria proposed Czech Republic as Natural Enemy to attack Southern Bohemia. Region swapping soon will ne finished 🙂

More about Czechoslovak-Austrian swap.

After proposition of austrian law, I also proposed Czech Republic as Natural Enemy. We will not attack Southern Bohemia, but our citizens will get small bonus on training. Congressmen, please vote YES.

2. Military operation against Indoneia:

Our ally, Indonesia, is at troubles. They were proposed as Natural Enemy by USA, China and Brazil. Also they need to defend australian colonies in resistance wars.

Full size

They need our help in Papua. FIGHT!

3. Peace treaty between Serbia and Bulgaria:

Our ally, Serbia, is signing peace treaty with Bulgaria. Bulgaria will receive back all their regions and both sides will sign non-agression pact that will expire on the 5th December, 2011. Article of bulgarian CP[BG/ENG].

Thanks for reading.

Hyena Black, viceMoFA of CSFR.