[MoFA] Old and new allies.

Day 2,016, 12:16 Published in Lithuania North Macedonia by Uzsienio reikalu ministerija
Hello dear friends and allies!

Some music to make this wall of text shorter.

In this article I will try to briefly overlook the changes that happened after Lithuania left CoT and joined ACT/TWO. Once again, on behalf of the government - I am sorry if anyone felt that we betrayed someone. From our perspective we did no such thing. We were allies with countries from TWO when we joined CoT. At that moment it was hard to say that CoT and TWO will engage into a war with each other - we had a common enemy. That enemy was defeated and we had to choose sides. It is hard to leave friends such as Indonesia, Macedonia and other great allies, but we had to choose. I hope that we will still can call each other friends and that there are no hard feelings between us. Thank you for everything that you did for us in the past. We did not want to become allied with Russia or our long time enemies from “Assguard”. Nor did we want to become enclosed, surrounded by allies (I think everyone understands that we would not have war with Poland, Latvia or as someone suggested - UK) and just click for others. TWO was the only way. There we had many allies like Poland, Latvia, Hungary, Spain, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Estonia, Slovenia. We have also made new friends. I believe that it was the right decision. Ok, lets move on to the point:

Our old allies:

I think everyone knows our warm feelings towards exABC countries of Latvia and Estonia. We have fought numerous battles and wars with them. Together we have passed through good times and bad. We are allied with Estonia since I can remember. Although we had a war with Latvia in V1 it was a long time ago and most players don't even remember that. Sure, we have had our fights inside, but when it comes to foreign affairs we always stick together and help each other out.

Poland is our strongest neighboring country. Most of our MU’s are alive only because Poland accepted them and provided them with bonuses. In return, we try to do our best in helping them out. It is hard for me to describe the amount of help that we have received from Poland during our times. It is always fun to see POG, GROM and other MU’s logos in the battlefield. Then you just know that the round will go well.

Serbia is the strongest nation in terms of influence in the game. It is great that after a few months without a MPP we have renewed it. During the years we have fought epic battles together with our Balkan brothers. SSF and their divisions are always helpful and quick to respond when damage is needed. Serbian representatives are usually easy to communicate and even if they have many RW’s they always try to do their best to help out.

Hungary is probably one of the oldest allies that we have. Does anyone remember the battles for Hello Kitty? Or I’m just getting old and most of you don’t even know what it meant? Anyway, they have always been by our side as we have tried to be by theirs. Even now together with Hungary and Latvia we are trying to take down Russia. All three countries declared them as NE. Lets kick some asses, like old times, huh?

The United Kingdom. Well again, for me, as an old player, it is very hard to describe allies that have been there all the time. You know what they can, you always try to help them, you have great relationships, but there is just that much you want to tell that you don’t even know where to start. There are quite a few people from UK that I would like to have a beer someday. Talon Karrde would be the first one I’d choose, I think. UK just has so many great players who are always helpful, it would be hard to list them all. Even now they are declaring war on Germany in order to help us. Thank you Ayame Crocodile for your help. Truly great friends, what else I can say...

We have become allies with Spain after the creation of ONE, at least from what I remember. Since then we have become pretty close and I am very glad that we can continue our relationship further. I have not had that much experience in talking with Spanish representatives ingame, although I am especially thankful for Mininuns for such great coordination and cooperation when we applied for membership in TWO. I believe that you have much more great people that I did not have a chance to meet. I really enjoyed visiting Spain RL - you have really great women ; )

Slovenia is probably one of the most helpful countries in this game. They rarely have serious wars and are always eager to help others. One of our ex-ambassadors to Slovenia described the country as being one of the most organised in terms of warfare and in terms of taking care of newbies. From what I have seen it would be hard to argue with that. I am proud to call you friends.

Jelly Army. Our friends from Indonesia, we are proud to call them friends. You have helped us a lot, I hope that we repaid your help with enough trust and gratitude. I really lack words to describe how grateful I am for all the things you did. From your article I can see that our friendship will continue and I am really happy about it.

Our new friends:

Surely, after leaving CoT we have not only stayed true with our old friends, we have made new ones and we hope to call even more countries allies as time goes.

The MPP with Venezuela was the first that we signed after joining TWO. I was really amazed how communicative and helpful the Venezuelan representatives are. They offered their help on numerous occasions, their staff is always responsive and eager to talk. I truly believe that we will become great allies.

Romania is one of the great powers in this game. I know that some Lithuanians have some negative feelings towards this country, but I hope that as time passes these negative emotions will vanish. During my time here I learnt to perceive Romania as a strong and proud nation. It was very hard to win rounds when Romanian MU’s came to fight against us. It was extremely hard to fight against Romania when they had all of the Baltics occupied. But all of this is in the past. Now we are fighting alongside and I am glad to finally see Romanian flags on our side. I hope that you will see us fighting alongside you soon enough.

Argentina was the third new ally that we made during the last couple of weeks. It is the biggest country in terms of population in the whole eRepublik. I know that some people will have issues fighting against Chile after long months of fighting for them. It is understandable. But I have already seen Argentinians helping us, as I have seen Lithuanians fight for Argentina. I hope that our relationship will grow further. I would like to especially thank silmeriawings, the ambassador to Lithuania, for his enthusiasm, help and cooperation.

Colombia has one of the largest population in the whole eRepublik. I am glad to have met their representatives who were very quick to respond to my enquiry about a possible MPP between us. The law will be passed in both countries and we will be able to build our relationship as time goes. At least from what I learned - your government is well coordinated and that shows your strength. You have many players and we hope that your numbers will grow. See you on the battlefield.

To sum up, yes, we have lost a few allies, but we have also made new friends. Life goes on, the dynamics and changes are the only things that drive this game. Do not be afraid to make new enemies. Do not be afraid to loose. The game goes on. There is no need to get stuck in the past. I hope that we I did not forget to mention anyone, and if so - I am terribly sorry.

On behalf of the Lithuanian government,
MoFA of Lithuania,

Hail TWO!

Hail Poland!

Hail Latvia!

Hail Estonia!

Hail The United Kingdom!

Hail Hungary!

Hail Slovenia!

Hail Spain!

Hail Serbia!

Hail Jelly Army!

Hail Venezuela!

Hail Romania!

Hail Argentina!

Hail Columbia!

Hail Slovakia!

Hail Montenegro!

Hail Republic of China!

Hail Lithuania!