[MoFA] Cuz We Rock!

Day 914, 17:15 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Shalom eIsrael!

Sam Krakower here, along with Baglamas and Daniel, your top MoFA people.

Lots of stuff has been going on, hasn't it? Especially in the Foreign Affairs Section. We have to tell our people a 'lil something something, and we could use a couple more ambassadors. Here's our word to you.

Home Ambassadors

Members of this group are all the eIsraeli ambassadors, envoys to alliances, MoFA interns, MoD, President and Head of Mossad. Leader of the group is MoFA and ambassadors' co-ordinator.

We need people here. Interns really aren't interns, they are this. This has been a problem which has yet to be recovered. If you are an intern in the MoFA, contact Baglamas about this.

Ambassador duties.
All ambassadors ought to start a new topic in our forum, where they'll post their reports. For instance our ambassador to x-land should start a thread called "x-land" so that we can have gathered information about this country. Reports should be posted at least once every 10 days. However, if something important happens or if you happen to gather top secret information, you are supposed to share it as soon as possible!

A complete report should have the following elements:
Cabinet list and possible changes
General info about life in that country
Financial stats at least once a month
Important articles summary
Info about their army is optional by highly appreciated. Top secret info about that country should NOT BE POSTED HERE. Forward them to MoFA or the President.
You should also make a topic in x-land's forums and visit their irc channels if possible.

Slackin here too. We need people for Poland right now, among other nations. And no one ever posts for some reason. We need people that can do the job. again, contact Baglamas about this.

Another thing- Expect more Palestine articles. Things to know:

1. Admins aren't gonna add an ePalestine nor take away eIsrael.
2. Don't give them a reason to do Number 1.
3. Show that we are the bigger country here. It will not only press mods and admins, but the eWorld as well. They will be watching.
4. If you see a fellow eIsraeli trying to start an uproar, ask them not to. If they keep going, we'll have our govt. take it into out hands.
5. Relax. It ain't gonna happen. Be Chill. 😃


Let's get back to business people! We have the means, we have the people and we are willing!

Yours from the MoFA desks,

Sam Krakower, Vice President/ Minister of Foreign Affairs
Daniel HaChawer, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Baglamas, Ambassador Captain