[MoF] Donations Schedule for incoming Congress

Day 6,059, 04:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England


Welcome to the eUK’s driest paper - don’t forget Whimsy is on hand if you decide you need a break from maths whilst reading this.

This article covers the Donation Schedule being proposed for the next Congress, for the consideration ahead of the election and for them to vote on when the election is over.

Donations Schedule

The Government’s proposed donation schedule is below, as always we invite comments and suggestions and are happy for other schedules to be suggested. Scroll down to see how these figures were calculated.

We donate what we earn from different income streams. The ones factored in here are our Tax-Based income (which the eUK spends) and the income we receive via Training Wars (which the eUK returns). To predict the number of donates I take a 10, 20 and 30 day average of the daily income from each TW and all our taxes. I use these to calculate a figure for the daily average and use it as a projection for the next 30 days. It looks easier in a spreadsheet than it sounds! Current debt is factored in, plus an uplift to the BoE donates in respect of any incoming events.

Rotations are still being finalised, and there is an event due to start in the coming week so it is likely the averages will change - Congress will be updated if any adjustments are needed following an uplift in TW/Tax based income.

Rounding down on the number of donates, any TW partner due 2 or more I suggest Congress donate directly to. Any beneath that we can manage centrally, as at the moment most of our TW partners only accrue a tiny amount of debt day by day.

This month it is likely we will need around 18 donates to liquidise the treasury. The destination of those Donates and the purpose of them is listed above.

Thanks goes to Congress for considering this schedule of donations.

Dividend Reminder

I’d also like to repeat some advice from last month's article - profits made from MM Trading are shared with all citizens, so if you buy your currency from the below orgs, it is money in your pocket.

Try to remember 2-3 org names and logos and look for them next time you head to the Money Market!

Thanks for reading everyone, and thanks to Congress for their consideration of this proposal. In the meantime if you have any questions by all means get in touch and if you buy any currency from the MM purchase from one of the above orgs!

Mr Woldy - CP
AMD - Governor.