[MoD] New Orders/Info sheet & Guidelines Consultation

Day 6,038, 03:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Hi all,

First things first as Hollenboer has pointed out on the feed there is a free ‘Children’s Day’ pack available today in the Gold Store… I would say Happy Children’s day to any children reading this but children aren’t allowed to play eRep - it’s in the Terms of Service. Nevertheless I am sure Plato knows what he is doing!

This weekend we will see Turkey move from the North West of England to the West Midlands; following that Japan will move into the North West of England. Be mindful that Turkey needs to win its attack on WM and Japan will need to win its attack on NWoE.

On to business - some chunkier updates from the MoD today to see you into the weekend (Whimsy is still available if that's more your thing).

Please share any thoughts regarding any of the below in the comments and a big thanks goes to those who have shared their views so far.

New Orders Sheet

How you check orders and interact with the MoD is changing!

The MoD Info sheet will no longer be the landing page for MoD resources. This will be archived information, and will be updated less frequently as we sheet to the new eDefence sheet.

You can view the eDefence Sheet here, or at https://tinyurl.com/eDefence

This will be kept up to date as orders update, and contains just the key information you need to make deployment decisions. It has some quick links and the currents points table for overhitting reports.

Thanks to everyone who has offered feedback on the new sheet this week. We will include it in shouts and messages and by all means bookmark the links to refer to when deploying.

Battle Guidelines Consultation (etiquette and points process)

Over the past weeks we have been running a consultation on what our battle guidelines should be. Thanks to everyone who has shared their views in comments, PM’s and in wider discussions on the topic. As a reminder the set of rules finalised by the previous administration can be found here. These contain provisions which allow MPP/TW allies to hit from T0 (minute 0 of a battle) and 3rd party fighters to hit from T30. They require players to do 20k in Air and 125k in Ground to ‘claim’ a medal.

Key Themes

Key themes from the views shared are:

T- should be updated so that MPP and TW partners are asked to wait before hitting on the UK side of a battle.

3rd Party fighters should not be given a greenlight to hit in UK battles until the end of empty rounds.

Guidelines are too meta and people should be able to log in, do their kills, and log out without it being treated like a problem.

The D4 damage levels are too high, potentially unnecessary and disadvantage groups of players.

The damage levels in Air have not been commented on so we take them to be acceptable.

As you can see there is a wide range of views, some of which do not complement one another. Trying to reconcile guidelines with these themes will always be a challenge but by constant review and dialogue I am confident we can get there.


The Government has made some recommendations and invites everyone to share final thoughts before they are enacted. These recommendations are to make the guidelines more practical and to bring the points processes up to date. They seek to incorporate the feedback from the public, streamline the guidelines, and encourage overhitters to follow guidelines rather than pushing them into ignoring them.

The guidelines currently apply to the UK side of TW’s, and that will remain the same.


Medals on the UK side shall be for:
- UK players only between 0-20 mins (T0).
- UK and Partner (TW/MPP) after the twentieth minute (T20).

- The prerequisite damage for eUK Air fighters to claim a medal (20k) will remain the same.

- Because the T- rules manage the expectations of non-UK fighters and there are relatively few reports of overhitting between eUK citizens in Division 4 (2 Div 4 points were allocated in all of May); there will be no prerequisite damage for claiming a D4 medal. eUK Fighters are asked to respect one another's runs. That being said, to prevent people parking minimal damage and generating reports, overhitting will not result in points if the ‘starting’ damage was less than 50 million.

- eUK Fighters native to Divisions 1-3 shall have right of way in those Divisions.

This will take us from 20+ rules to 5.

Points Process

The MoD will review and verify reports. Where clear overhitting can be identified in the available contextual data a ‘point’ will be allocated. The eDefence sheet will show the current distribution of points so people can see if points have been allocated and to whom.

There are two changes to the Points process the Government will make after time for feedback:

We recommend the number of points needed to become ineligible for rewards rises from 2 to 3. This is in order to:
- Ensure repeat offenders are still ineligible.
- Whilst also keeping people engaged with the guidelines after their first infraction, so they have a reason to stop (using the carrot AND the stick).

This also allows for a small benefit of the doubt to those who simply play a different way to others.

Additionally we recommend points expire after 20 days instead of 60 days.
This is because:
- There is no incentive to engage with the guidelines if players have to wait 60 days to become eligible for rewards after overhitting. It only encourages more overhitting.
- Nevertheless those not engaging with the guidelines at all will still accrue points at a rate that will keep them ineligible.

Next steps

After final feedback the eUK Government will publish the guidelines in full so fighters and the MoFA can discuss any issues arising from the new T- guidelines.

Additionally to encourage thorough use of the overhitting reporting tool, it will be included in MoHA communications campaigns which will also clearly communicate the new guidelines.

Lastly, toward the end of next month we will review the aggregated data on overhitting reports to evaluate whether our approach is working. This should be done regularly. The data collected to understand reporting over time has been historically sketchy. As such the reporting form now asks a couple more questions meaning in a few weeks we should have a more meaningful data set to interrogate overhitting with.

So all that being said - please share any thoughts.

Epics Survey

A big thanks goes to everyone who has filled in the survey on Epic timings so far.

The results currently look like this :

We will keep the survey open for another couple of days. The form does not record any of your personal details, just your username and preferences.

As you may expect after work and either side of dinner time is currently proving a popular Epic Window. We intend to use this to inform when we arrange epics with, but you can appreciate it takes two to tango so there will always be an element of meeting our Epic partners halfway.

Nevertheless - fill it in, the more info we have the better!

On the topic of Epics, our thanks go to those who contributed pre-Epic damage to Tuesday’s Epic, which was very well attended.


Thanks for reading,
Mr Woldy