[MOD]First Rewards

Day 3,738, 11:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

As promised, the MoD will give certain awards throughout the term of our current President, as part of his rewards program.

The first set of rewards will be given to the Military units providing the most Air damage over the past week.

Starting next week, we will also continue to give rewards to the MUs that improve their damage the most from last week. With our National Strike on the upcoming Sunday, we will also be providing rewards to the MU who have the most participants in our national strike.

This weeks winners, and MUs having the most AIR DAMAGE is as following

17,250CC is going to Scorpions for dealing 2,4 million damage in air battles. – Well done
4,750CC is going to Free British Irregulars for dealing 1,2 million damage in air battles
5,350CC is going to Royal Navy for dealing 1 million damage in air battles

The rewards will be given by MoF Huey shortly