[MoD] Fight and win 40 Q7 Tanks

Day 1,743, 03:44 Published in Switzerland Bulgaria by NIKrumov

Hello Switzerland!

The Ministry of Defence has decided to do a simple contest which is absolutely free to take part in. All you have to do is have Swiss citizenship and fight.

For the troops of the Military Units:

Basically all you have to do is for the next 6 days complete your Daily Order regularly so your commanders will put you in the list and take part in the competition.

For Commanders of the Military Units:

The commanders need to fill the form correctly, from Tuesday Day 1743 till Monday Day 1749.

Each time you enter the names of troops which completed 25 kills for the day before they will get a number. You can see who has what number here.

At the end we will use random.org to get the winners and 10 people will win 40 Q7 tanks.

Best regards,
Swiss Ministry of Defence.