[MoC] Urgent request to all eNL citizens (re-post)

Day 2,127, 01:51 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by SO_HelpdeskNL


Check the main page. Check how many prestige points you have:

Follow the following chart:

I realise that if everybody follows this flow chart perfectly, we get into an impossible situation as the average prestige will not be obtainable by all players. But at least we'll be getting a great score. If we end in the top-10 we've accomplished all we could have hoped for.

For those with 0 prestige points:
Remember that the average prestige of the people with non-zero prestige gets counted for our national ranking.
Scoring 0 prestige is perfectly fine, also for division 4 players. Scoring far below average however is not. As over 5 days have passed now, it will be virtually impossible to catch up to the average. So I recommend you to not start now, as you will remain behind.

Tips for those that are participating:
For those that are participating, some tips on getting as much prestige points as possible:
- Focus on "Epic Wars". If your energy bar isn't full, delay fighting until you have to, or until you see an Epic War. You get triple the prestige points in epic wars. Actually, these may be more important than the DO.
- Do Guerrilla fights, especially in non-epic wars. You'll get 10 prestige, in exchange for probably less than 100 energy, which it would normally cost you in a non-epic war.
- Mainly in the lower divisions: If you can get a top-5 position in a battle, it will reward you with bonus prestige points.

As a final remark: We are currently doing great! Let's make the last two days a success too.
If there are any questions feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

Minister of Coaching

PS: I'll start with (updated) re-posts of the general coaching articles after the event. If you're a new player, feel free to check them out already. 😉
But keep in mind that some things are different now because of the event.

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