[Military] For Honour and Glory

Day 829, 13:51 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Tom Morgan stood alone facing the Irish barbarian horde. The howling wind and the torrents of rain ruthlessly attacked his mage garments, but he did not falter. He raised his staff up in the air with both hands and muttering the sacred spell, brought it crashing back down to the earth. Rune symbols covered his body and burnt his flesh as he desperately tried to keep control of the dark magic he was casting. There was an deaf defying screech as the heavens roared, the sky split open and the fragments of reality were torn apart. Darkness poured out the crack through time and brought with it the dark god Pensive. The great god of war surveyed the battlefield beneath him and unleashed three fireballs which plummeted to the ground in a rage.

From the ashes of the first rose Nice Guy Eddie, a battle hardened warrior clad in enchanter armour, dented and worn out after many long campaigns. He turned to face the enemy army and spat in defiance. From this ball of spit, he created a terrifying whirlpool which expanded at a frightening rate, drawing in weaker Irish troops in a spiral of death. From the centre of the chasm, a black object began to rise. But it was not one object but thousands, minions of the realm summoned to do the bidding of their master. They swarmed forwards, launching and propelling themselves onto the fearful bodies of their enemies and began the long hard process of tearing them to pieces.

Whilst the battle was raging, the second fireball revealed Horice G Fossil from the flames. Tall and muscular, Horice sounded his Elephant tusk horn and from behind him the dust began to clump together, to form shapes that became recognisable as human beings. The shining armour of these knights deflected the fiery hell that was the eye of Pensive, blinding their opponents. Double blades drawn, Horice lead his men down the hill towards the battle and began to decimate their foe.

From the Irish side of the field a dark shadow was drawing slowly closer to the front line. Faced with an unexpected threat, Tom Morgan called upon AltmerVampire to emerge from the third fireball. Dressed in his usual shades of black, Altmer’s muscles bulged as the power inside started to take over. All of a sudden he grew exponentially, unleashing the beast within. The clothes broke away as this creature grew to three times the high of a normal human, with twisted horns complete with ferocious teeth and claws. He pulled back his head and he howled mightily, his voice sounding out to the heavens. The ground started to tremble as from below creatures were trying to break free to the surface. And they did. 20 beasts of so much power that the enemy cowered a mile off before there ferocious glory. They entered the battle and within minutes the balance of power had tipped massively in their favour.

At the climax of the battle, Tom Morgan walked calmly through the insane slaughter being perpetrated by both sides, carrying the flag of the union tightly in his grasp. He slowly climbed the Sacred Hill to claim victory he heard a loud noise and spun around, unsure what this twist to the battle was at the most crucial stage.

Commando has reached Strength 14 and is now upgrading to Paratrooper
Commando has reached Strength 14 and is now upgrading to Paratrooper
Commando has reached Strength 14 and is now upgrading to Paratrooper
Commando has reached Strength 14 and is now upgrading to Par-

Graphics request denied.
Graphics request denied.
Game aborted.
Warning- Any unsaved data might be lost.
End Now/Return to Desktop?

Dischmcds slammed his fists down in frustration on the computer desk. Picking up the box the game came in, he was starting to realise why it was so cheap. He quickly rebooted his computer and logged into eRepublik, where countless messages and enquiries awaited him. Ah well, it was fun whilst it lasted anyway.

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Do YOU have what it takes to fight for YOUR COUNTRY?
Sign up HERE for the Navy (Under Str 10)
Contact HORICE G FOSSIL for the Marines (Str 10-14)
Contact ALTMERVAMPIRE for the Paratroopers (Str 14+)