[MD] The best eCountry II

Day 719, 23:44 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by Harsova2
Wich of those countries you like at best ?
Chose one and let's see who's the winner!

If you want a better quality: right-click on the image and select "view image" !

Bosnia & Hercegovina - "one country, one land"

Croatia - "amazing"

Finland - "fire sky"

Greece - "when the history meets the culture"

Hungary - "a country living in the past"

Iran - "a golden country"

Italy - "best is a good thing"

Moldova - "Culture and faith"

Norway - "magic one"

Pakistan - &quot😉ay and Night"

Russia - "courage and honor"

Slovenia - "a beautiful day"

Sweden - "Silver winter"

Turkey - "the land of beauty"

Ukraine - "rising history"

The most beautiful country deserve to win !
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