[MATZANESIA PARTY] The Meaning of Symbols and Ambition

Day 552, 05:38 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Elros Elrond

Have you ever thought about the small continental picture on Matzanesia party?

You have ever seen it thousands of times. You have cheered, jeered, boo-ed, or donated for their cause. However, there's more to be seen here.

I mean, there's always a subliminal message behind everything, even up to the worthless, small, and seemed harmless logo of the said party.

You see a european continent and middle east here, all greened. It regards the all eurupe+asia as one entity and called itself Matzanesia.

Why bother choosing the logo? One word, ladies and gentleman: AMBITION!

Yup. An ambition that equalled to Hitler-like and Genghis-khan like.
Like the Running Man in NAZI's logo.
And the said party wants to TO an archipelago in the southeast asia?

You can judge for yourself.

The second word that the picture represent is: UNITY.
Yeah, all europe and middle east are united for matzanesia cause. We Are One.

Which, unfortunately, is a mere scam, if I look across the Europe continent, or the empty middle east save for several nations there, and poor Turkey it was included in this farce.

Or was it a sign of reality escapee? ego-maniac syndrome?

The third word which the picture represent is GREEN.
They are said to be harmless, green, and cool. Peaceful.

But their onslaught on the media (comments especially) and all kinds of activities are spicy red, crimson blood, and nothing but some thrash talk or black-hearted rhetorics or

empty bark by lily-livered hounds.

Now, we see that symbols do convey something aren't they?

Indonesia had national flag of red and white
Red means bravery, courage, valor, and fiery passion for the betterment of our country and alliance.
White means sacredness, decency, purity, ethic, and soberity.

I think, we have done justice for our flag (which is the reverse that of Poles), and we humbly beg for Matzanesia to think again on their unrestrained subliminal ego and desires, before they made our world into green goey.

After this carnival of freaks, who knew which country in eurasia had been next?
Or whose victims had been forgotten by their propaganda? Russia? Pakistan? Singapore?

Is it you?

To stop this joke-party help us vote in Indonesia!