Day 483, 22:49 Published in Romania Indonesia by Elros Elrond

Dear romanians,

esp. sebahmah who loving kindly purchased my newspaper and served as my Marketing Director in Budapest. I can't express my heartful content and bliss of heavenly realm watching this eternal joy going on.

What in heavens are eternal joy?
I mean this revelation that we actually did LOVE ROMANIANS!
Why, we, public enemy number uno, could come to LOVE you?

Simple. Just think about it from my ethereal point of view.
Without you, O Romania? What's the fun of playing this game? It will be all sour and dour, all dross and numb. Like a game without Last Boss, like a wife without husband, like a good rival without its capable tormentor. Yeah, it may all seem like LOVE and HATE, but do believe that it is LOVE.

We LOVE the way we feel about our relationship like now.
I feel assured that you feel like us. What's the joy of not having a mighty enemy that needed to become a dictactorship after being sieged from two-three ways? What's the point of playing a game where the enemy didn't respond so fantastically clever, albeit, predictable but still so strong!
What's the point of having TRIPLE BABY BOOM without you, o' mighty lovable arc-enemy?

We love you! And you do love us?
Han Solo, where can you post your baleful comment if not on us? Pretty indos love to be clubbed by comments (though not me... I'm as sensitive as a ghost)...
Malika Ela, it's because Masila is Indo you are his kind and just sister...
Dear dragos, you won't be a lovable and prudent dictator without our help to push you on the shove...

While you must love our cunning tricks, like territory swappings, counter TOs, and so many RWs, our resorts on Xinjiang, our friendship with Magyars...
Hell, even if you proposed a treaty of surrender, we will lightheartedly refuse just for the sake of the joy,,,

So grow strong Romania!
Without you strong, we can't enjoy the game!
So grow strong us!
So we can keep on the joy...
Without u? what's the joy?
Without us? what's the challenge?
So let's cherish one another
But don't hug or moochy smoochy
Just we beat up one another
But don't cripple 'em

Because balance is great
balance is wonderful...
and revenge is best served after a great balance...

Love love love... what a beautiful life. Thanks for subscribing 😃