新手援 助計 劃 及帳 目和申請人Lend ticket to newbies planning&Accounts&Applicants

Day 670, 03:14 Published in China China by Warehouse of Welfare

此計劃會 提供機票 給6級以 下的新人, 而獲得機 票之新人 必須在6級 後歸還給Warehouse of Welfare

This plan will lend ticket to 1-5lv newbies,those who borrow the ticket must pay it back after 6lv to Warehouse of Welfare

申請方 法 :找Killertat 或 Warehouse of Welfare 並發送 訊息,又或者 去此網 頁申請

How to apply:You can send message to Killertat or Warehouse of Welfare,also you can go to this website to apply it

Day668 Donated to ChineseDream(For buying USA tickets and save it)
Day668 4.84G Changed 254.73 USD
Day668 209.94 For Buy 20 Tickets
Day668 ChineseDream Donated 10 Tickets to Warehouse of Welfare and save 10 tickets
Day668 Balance:5.16G 44.79USD
Day668 Creat newspaper used 2 Gold
Day668 Balance:3.16G 44.79USD

Day669 spwalsin Donated 2G to Warehouse of Welfare

Day670 Balance:5.16G 44.79USD

2009/9/19 tporvc_c http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1911166
2009/9/19 devetion_china http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1929394#
2009/9/19 spwalsin http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1902938 (have pay back2009/9/20)
2009/9/20 LEAFIE http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1929431

I will continue to update this newspaper🙂