[KHMC] The Winter Senate

Day 2,773, 02:40 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

Listen up citizens!

The Senate elections are just around the corner. As we are a dictatorship, some argue that the Senate has no role to play in government. We at KHMC disagree. Not being able to propose and vote on laws makes the Senate toothless, not useless.

The Senate remains a body of experienced citizens for ministers to discuss ideas with and a training ground for young citizens to learn the business of government. And, if political parties publish their ideas, it is the closest to a poll of our e-population that exists in this game.

So, what does a vote for the KHMC mean? What do we stand for?

We support the transition to forum based government.

We support the integration of our Spanish colleagues. It has been three months, and the drama has gone on for long enough. Important government updates should be bilingual.

We will insist on full and frank disclosure, to the limits of diplomatic courtesy, of the ongoing negotiations with eChile regarding their region rental proposal. Approval of any deal that the diplomats reach must rest with the citizens by popular vote. There is too much history to actotherwise.

We support the continued region rent to Peru, and all actions necessary to support that agreement.

We think we have the people to carry through on our commitments and stand up for eAustralia. They are:

KnightHawk stalwarts AusORAC, Callum, Gordon Lightning and Camshaft, the still unpronounceable iedziivotaajsour Queen and commander Lany, the baby faced rookie Beau Davis, our recently returned old dude Aussie Vegeta, government veteran Albeck, our Minister of Finance Sir James, and of course, me.

Now you know what we want for the government, know that we want YOU! Both the KnightHawks KHMC are always looking for members. It doesn't matter if you're new, old, think Titanic was a good movie or have a red border on your avatar. All we ask is that you participate. Noisily.

What do we want most of all? A reliable Spanish-English translator. That would make everything just...peachy. If you're capable and willing, PM me a google doc link of this article translated. I'll even pay you $250 for your work.

Finally, of course, the bit you're all waiting for.

Any KnightHawk or member of the KHMC that comments below will have excrement rain from the sky onto their head. 100 Q5 food and 10 Q7 weapons worth, in fact.

If you're in both The KnightHawks and KHMC, we'll up it to 300 Q5 food and 15 Q7 weapons. No sneaky catch this time...
