[July 2010 Elections] FINAL RESULTS

Day 979, 08:07 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
What I didn't take into consideration is that the elections are now not over until the confirmation. After the voting closed and the elections were confirmed, we lost Nord-Norge to Russia. That also means that the pending election winners there were removed. Here are the final and - according to eRepublik admins - "fair" results of the elections.

(Oh, and when you're done reading, please step by Forsvarsnytt and read how you can pick some Russian noses in Trondelag.)

Voters turnout
Of the original 162 votes, 138 remain as counting. I forgot to make note of how many votes were given in Nord-Norge, but the missing 24 seems a likely number. Since none of the other candidates have had their number of votes reduced, this means that no votes were found unfair or deemed illegal by the admins. Særlig.

The July 2010 Congress
Since Nord-Norge was lost before elections were confirmed, 3 elected candidates were lost, so that the congress now consists of 24 representatives. We lost Evilfreud from congress due to this, but he took two PTOers with him. Well done, Evilfreud!

Click here for the official results of the July 2010 congress elections in eNorway

This leaves us with a rather interesting division of congress:
PTO/goon/fåreskalle representatives: 12 (50😵
Kjærevakrevenesnille non-PTO reps: 12 (50😵

Provided all congress members vote on every proposal, that means that neither side can be successfull with president impeachment, and each side can block proposals from the other.

We'll install soft ice machines, massage chairs as well as improve the bar facilities in the congress lobby to make sure every representative shows up to vote for proposals this term. Needless to say, it is vital that no congress members waste their limit on bogus proposals. At some point this month we will begin to build up eNorway from somewhere near scratch, and both your ability to propose and the votes given will be valuable.

All safe congress members both from last term and the current, will be added to dedicated forum groups on erepublik.no later today. Please check in and sign the roll call within the next 24 hours.

We are going to work our way out of this. And we are beginning now. More information will follow.