[July 2010 - Congress elections] Preliminary results

Day 979, 01:45 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
The results of the congress elections voting is in, revealing a solid base of political takeover (PTO) voters in eNorway. We can always hope that votes given by multi/bot accounts will be annulled, but to be honest I doubt that the admins are capable of identifying such accounts. Furthermore, the turnout shows that there are too few active people in eNorway to effectively block political takeovers in elections, and Strategic Air Command turned out to have other priorities and did not assist us in these elections.

UPDATE: Click here for the final results. An appeal has been submitted to the admins to resolve the aftermath of the impeachment bug completely. Please step by and sign it.

A total of 162 votes were cast. Over 60% of these votes were given to known PTO candidates. Less than 70 votes where given to Fritt Norge candidates or other safe candidates not participating in the anti-TO effort. A better spread of safe candidates between the regions may have improved the outcome, but I doubt that all PTO votes were utilized, and that we would have been outrun anyway.

The election result will be confirmed by the admins at 06:00 eRep time (kl 15 norsk tid). If these votes stand, it means that the congress this term will have 27 members divided as such:

PTO representatives: 14 (52😵
Non-PTO representatives: 13 (48😵

This representation gives us enough safe members to block eventual president impeachments, but too few to perform such an impeachment should the need arise. It also gives the PTOers a simple majority in all other matters, if all congress members vote on each proposal, that is.

Here is the list of votes given for each of the currently qualified candidates. Comparing this with the final result will show if any votes were deemed unfair by the admins or not.

Direct region seats
1 Sebulba FRITT NORGE 8
2 Alex Di Social Democratic Party 8
3 vasiliuk Social Democratic Party 8
4 goodguy14 Social Democratic Party 6
5 Harald V Social Democratic Party 6
6 iconMan Social Democratic Party 6
7 rebolla Social Democratic Party 6
8 Tommy Skaue FRITT NORGE 5
9 Landskamp Social Democratic Party 5
10 Evilfreud FRITT NORGE 4
11 mbadass FRITT NORGE 3
12 Cl4trap Independent Alliance 3
13 Adam Schmidt Binary Norway 2
14 Lucru_pl Social Democratic Party 2
15 Siri1949 FRITT NORGE 2
16 GertuDuke Social Democratic Party 2
17 Sz.exe Independent Alliance 2
18 Bob Turkee FRITT NORGE 1
19 Palaiologos FRITT NORGE 0
20 Mr_W Binary Norway 0

21 seko38 Independent Alliance 8
22 SteinarDivision Social Democratic Party 8
23 GreyFool FRITT NORGE 7
24 SDR XII Binary Norway 7
25 Eha Pappkriger FRITT NORGE 6
26 katze3 FRITT NORGE 5
27 Frederick I Independent Alliance 5

In short, my attempt to organise a congress with a safe majority has failed, and for that I am truly sorry. The current politicial situation in eNorway is not directly related to the neppons betrayal and the game bug which allowed Cl4trap to activate Russia's and UK's MPPs against us. After the confirmation of election day result, we need to reorganise this country and what's left of its real population. I am still just acting as president on my own initiative, so I will be taking the safe elected members from both previous and next congress into council on what to do.