[IW]Party President Elections January 2010

Day 788, 02:58 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

Yesterday we had the elections for Party president. Most parties had 1 candidate(like BP) some had more (I&W had 4 candidates).

The results (only the winner and the runner up):

Boklevski 37 votes

Theneka 57 votes

Sjakie03 24 votes

Deviltje 46 votes,
Frerk 13 votes

Cloyster Climb 24 votes,
Thomas Fairfax 20 votes

There aren't much surprises in the elections, although LP seems to have a Party President who most of us never had heard of. I have noticed that ThomasRED* still wants to be Party President so he took over the leadership in HHP. He won with 100 % of the votes (1).

I congratulate all the Party Presidents with their elections! Let's hope we all can work together on making eUNL a better and bigger country!!

The future of I&W

At the moment we are the biggest party in the eUNL. We have 118 members, runner up LSD has 113 members. BP has 68 members (however this will change when Brussels, Wallonia and Flanders will be part of the eUNL again)
If we want to stay one of the biggest parties, we have to improve the activity of the members on the forum and by posting more articles. Also we need a good program and strategy for the upcoming congress elections.

This month i will work on updating the I&W wiki page, a new logo, activity and the upcoming congress elections. Also i want to improve the relations with the other parties. As said before we don't have to be good friends but discussions between the parties should be kept normal. We have to stop blaming each other for things that have happened in the past. We must look at the future. Personally i think the future of the eUNL is more important than party politics.

PM and PP

As you know(or not) i am also the Prime Minister in the current government. I have said that i would quit my job as PM when i got elected as Party President. I have changed my mind, i think that quitting as PM is not in the best interest of the eUNL. (and i couldn't find a good substitute) I am sure that i can do both jobs good.

PP of I&W

* He took over the party for the gold😉 well i don't know, but i am sure he did it with a purpose😉

edit: I&W members if you want to run for congress? http://tinyurl.com/yj62vk7