**It's Been a While**

Day 771, 16:11 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings My Fellow Americans,

It has been a while since I got an article out so I figured I would work on that. Happy holidays everyone, I hope you are enjoying them wherever you happen to be. I have been relatively snowed and iced in at my home in Wisconsin with a touchy internet connection, so while the festivities and the time with family and friends has been great, my eRep experience lately has not been.

Anywho, no one cares about my meteorological problems, moving on....

War Update

The fight is on in Eurasia folks, the Rumble in the Jungle continues as war spreads into Europe as well, make sure to follow orders and help us to victory

DoD Orders Day 771

To shed some insight into what is going on, here are some useful articles explaining and analyzing our actions so far

Strategery - PigInZen (VPOTUS)

Day 771 - Aeros

India: What Transpired and What's Next - Lieutenant Scheisskopf

January POTUS Elections

January elections for President of the United States are fast approaching. Already we have seen some hilarious announcements of candidacy from Jude Connors (intentionally funny) and Brett Miller (you can guess)

Today also saw veteran politico Woxan announce his candidacy, with ligtreb as his VP. This is a great ticket that stands a real chance to win this election.

I have no problem with Jewitt. Though there may have been some minor hiccups and missteps over the past month, I believe he has done an admirable job and would continue to do his best for this country.

That being said, after reviewing Woxan's platform I have decided to endorse Woxan/ligtreb in the upcoming POTUS elections, and I urge all of my readers to do the same.

For more reasons, here is a great article from former POTUS Harrison Richardson

Across the eGlobe, former eUS politician and all around great guy Joshua Hoss is running for President of eIsrael. Best of luck Josh!


History Today (December 30th)

1853 - Gadsden Purchase, US buys land from Mexico
1922 - USSR is formed
1924 - Edwin Hubble announces the existence of other galaxies
1981 - Wayne Gretzky scores his 50th goal of the season during the season's 39th game, blowing away the previous record of fastest to 50 goals.
2006 - Saddam Hussein executed by hanging

That is all for now,

Daniel Dodge