[IRE] The time has come for me to leave... I thank you for the memories!

Day 716, 14:42 Published in Finland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

EDIT: I posted this in Ireland by mistake, im not leaving Ireland im leaving Finland

As you may know from my previous article i travelled unnofficially to help Finland out, as i am the Irish Ambassador to Finland. Last article

Now the time has come to leave this wonderful country and i would like to share some memories, random moments and quotes:


IRENiall - so i mixed pure vodka, whiskey, cider, ale, wine and listerine (the really strong mouthwash).
Shadikka - wtf, Listerine!? 😮
Shadikka - well, apparently Listerine doesn't even contain anything toxic 😛 (not counting ethanol, but that kinda was the point)
IRENiall - Listerine gives it a kick and makes you pissed while keeping minty fresh breath

Fighting Moments:

- Ranked 727th in the Oulu battle with 5 fights (i got there late) and bringing Oulu up from city to suburbia.

Other things



Urokhtor - For welcoming me and always making time to chat!

Vilhelmi Kanervikko - For being one of the Best ambassadors i have seen and helping me with everything.

Olympus - For offering me a shorterm job and always ready for a chat too!

ImmO, Shadikka and Finsoldier - For having a good laugh about random things on the IRC.

(The links i missed out is because i couldn't find your profiles 😒)


I owe someone a beer if i remember rightly?

Thanks for Reading and Goodbye!

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Teacher for the MOE
Recruiter for eIreland
IDF Chief of Guard
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico