[IRE] The Mechanics of a Babyboom II (More detailed research)

Day 775, 12:50 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator


Note: If you are using eRepublik plus or google translate, the article may not be worded the same so message me to rectify points.


Firstly I would like to thank all those who supported my last article by voting, subscribing and spreading the word about it. Getting a international article in a small country like Ireland is very hard and it showed what the world can achieve when we worked together.

Here is the Original Article : [IRE] The Mechanics of a Babyboom

Definition of Babyboom

I would like to start my article with a definition. This is one I have created myself as I feel it is relevant for new players as the term is used a lot. The term "babyboom" or "babybooming" is used in relevance to eRepublik and the amount of players joining, not the age (sorry paedophiles) or expierience points of the individuals.

Babyboom : To gain a vast influx of new players in a very short time space into a certain country.

The Different Ways of Gaining a Babyboom

Analysing your nation's online habits (Websites)

There are many ways to see which are the top websites people in your country visit. Once such is www.alexa.com (this link shows the traffic for eRepublik). This website is one of the ways to determine which websites gain the most traffic in your country.On its own this information is useless, its how you use it that counts. In Ireland's case I would look for the top forum sites that are visited to advertise on, which would maximise the amount of people finding out about eRepublik in Ireland.

Pros: - It costs nothing to advertise on forums.
- Potential influx of many players.

Cons: - It costs real money to advertise on many of the top website.
- Most of the top website in your country will be international websites (like youtube).
- Time consuming to do.

Analysing your nation's online habits (Crazes)

We all know from time to time there is mad crazes in different countries. A good example of this is in fashion, how each season there is different trend which many designers follow. Poland used this method to gain the recent babyboom. They noticed that there was a big craze for Demotivational posters in Poland so by creating one about eRepublik, which made the front page of many polish websites, they gain many new polish citizens. Genius.

Pros: - Very effective at gaining new players.
- Has no real cost to this.

Cons: - High mortality rate of the new citizens.
- Its quite hard to find an online craze that can be used.

Note:Thanks to Zellu for the help

Inviting People

This is one of the simpleist ideas which can be used independently by members of a country. The invite and referal link function is quick and user friendly to use and can be easily sent to friends. Because of this countries like the USA and more likely some others, promote the idea of each citizen inviting a friend. This could effectively double the population in any country while allowing the citizen who invited to gain 5G for every invite as a incentive.

Pros: - Promotes a community spirit
- New citizens have a lower mortality rate as they already have a mentor.

Cons: - Its very hard to get this sort of scheme running
- It could tip the political scale in small countries with one person gaining many RL
friends to support them.

Conquering Regions

I left this one to last as it is a debatable because it can't technically be called a babyboom as there isn't any babies. This is because new citizens don't join, you just gain the citizens of another country when you take it over. This method is to be frowned upon as there is little chance of those citizens wanting to join your country if you are the aggressor and the chances of holding the region forever are slim (unless you have one of the best military forces in eRepublik).

Pros: - Possible gain of high raw material region/regions.
- Possible gain of high level players.

Cons: - Cost gold to declare war and invade the region.
- The region could be resistance warred and cause retaliation attacks
- Downgrading of the country's reputation as a aggressor.

Any Questions? Feel free to PM me...

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ex-CO and COG of the IDF
Ex-Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~

Note: if you want translations into your native language, approach me as I am only fluent in English, some knowledge of french and minimal knowledge of Spanish and Latin.
