[IRE] The Mechanics of a Babyboom

Day 699, 12:55 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

At the current moment in time, i am one of eIreland's head recruiters. Since i have taken up this role i have studied babybooms of the past and how they came about. eIrelands new citizens has increased from >10 a day to 30< a day a big increase for a country of our size. I and writing here to bring a collective of all the ideas i have gathered and developed to pass onto the eWorld. Knowledge is power and i want the eRepublik to be even bigger than it is today.

Firstly there is two types of babybooms which i will study in depth:

1) Fast Babybooms

2) Slow Babybooms

Fast baby booms

About: This type of babyboom happens during wars in eRepublik between real life rivals. They are a result of ingame hatred and real life hatred such as the real life strive in Northern Ireland. In eIreland's case, to get a fast babyboom i would advertise on Nationalists forums about the english invading ireland and how we should take back Northern Ireland. This would mean in a steady flow of new recruits.

Pros: - Lots of new citizens
- Cheaper workforce
- More productivity

Cons: - Potentially threatening characters to the government as lots of extremists have joined
- These recruits are likely to leave fast.
- Downgrading of the country's reputation

How to create one: This type of babyboom can be created easily by promotion on forums when a war is ongoing between to real life enemys such as the Enlish and Irish (this is said broadly as there is plenty of non republicans too). In that case it would be on Nationalist forums but this changes depending on the country as many have different types of struggles.

Slow baby booms

About: This type of baby happens by the careful co-ordination of a group of promoters. These promoters will seek forums and other sites in their country where to promote eRepublik, to the type of gamers who play Social games. This type of recruitment is much more time-consuming but pays off better in the long run with more able congressman and politicians.

Pros: - High retention rate of recruits
- The recruits will have more gaming knowledge
- The recruits would be more likely to become sucessful politicians

Cons: - Very slow
- In the long run will not provide as much firepower

How to create one: To create a small babyboom you need to appoint a group of people to go around targeting gaming sites within your country. In the case of eIreland i would promote eRepublik in social and forum sites throughout Ireland and on websites. Another way is to ask everyone in your country to invite a friend or post their referer link on facebook, bebo or twitter.

Thank you for reading, any questions just pm me

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Congressman of Saoise
Teacher for the MOE
Recruiter for eIreland
IDF Chief of Guard
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico

EDIT: Thanks to teut for paying for a advert