[Interview] Jacks Broken Heart - Canada's Brightest Derp

Day 2,210, 18:29 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

Greetings to all,

On September 28th, the citizen known as Jacks Broken Heart arrived on the eRep scene. Since his birth, he's been an active and unique player that even found his way into congress this term. I was interested in learning more about him, and he graciously agreed to answer my questions. Please take some time to learn more about this new eCanadian, and send him over a friend request o/


How the heck did you come across eRepublik, and why did you start playing it?

I was referred by a friend and encouraged to play a while ago. It took me a few months but I decided to try it out and here I am.

You've been here a little over two months. What do you like about the game so far, and what do you dislike. As a new player, what would you change about the game?

I enjoy the community we share. I dislike the reliance upon gold to succeed and the limited influence a new player is able to have on a battle. I think that all the specials offered by the admins make it too easy for people to gain a temporary advantage and it diminishes the quality of the game.

Why did you choose Canada as your citizenship, and have you entertained any notions about switching that up? Not all prominent eCanadians are from Canada in real life. Where do you call home?

I am Canadian IRL and it was an easy choice. Having been here for a few months, I think it was also the right choice. So far, I haven’t had any inclination to find another home, the CPF has accepted me and I find I have a strong group of friends to help me learn and improve my play. I anticipate we will find ourselves in [hopefully] a new war soon enough, and think it is an exciting time to be Canadian in this game

How do you like the CPF party? Has TheSmoke done a good job as Party President over the past month? Do you have any interest in taking more leadership within your party?

The CPF is a Strong party. The core leaders are all experienced and wise players who all share a mutual respect for one another. TheSmoke is active, generous, and a fantastic leader of the CPF. I wish the CPF would have a more powerful and active media presence, but it seems that the votes are turning in our favor with our current media strategy, so my complaints may have no merit. I am absolutely interested in moving up in the party and in the country, but I wish to take my time and learn as much as I can while doing so. My work schedule is extremely hectic at the moment, so taking more leadership is not something I would be able to handle right now to the extent that I would want to if I chose to. I don’t do things half-assed.

In your last newspaper article, you wrote the following:

"Having started to be more active since entering congress, I am coming to realize that despite the lulz seen in the group of players in this community, we have the generosity, leadership, and seriousness necessary to succeed as a country."

On a scale of one to ten, with ten being "crazy active" and one being "never around", how active would you describe yourself in congress? Has the past week since the election changed your view in anyways about eCanada, the government or congress? Will you run again next month? How do you think you will you spend your Congressional Proposals?

I would describe myself as an 8 on most days. I am on the forum every day to read the topics, but lately I have decided not to post unless I feel I can make a meaningful contribution to the discussion. I find that some topics are littered with wasted words and posts, which are difficult to sift through, and annoying to read, and I don’t have much interest in participating in some of that.
Having been in congress, I feel I am more exposed to the partisan side of Canadian politics. It is easier in some ways to have a productive discussion within one’s own party, but once it is brought to congress then it is not always possible for some congress members to stay on topic. I do, however, appreciate the perspective of our global position as a congressman, which I didn’t have as a simple party member/ new player.
I will certainly run again if the next PP of the CPF would like me to. I do not yet know how I will spend my proposals, I will likely ask for advice from the party leadership if it comes up.

With regards to the recent "loss" of Alberta (in that we own the region again and are not collecting rents from Switzerland), how do you think this will impact the decisions made by congress for the rest of the term? Would you be in favor of Switzerland re-taking the region via air strike should the option be put forth to congress? With the loss in revenue from the rental fees, are you in favor of reducing our MPP stack to conserve currency?

I do not think this will impact congress’ decision making. I would be willing to entertain the notion of an airstrike, but I can’t say for sure how I would vote. I am in favour of reducing our MPP stack if any of the MPP’s are unnecessary. Having read Addy Lawrence’s articles and his opinions on MPP’s, I find myself in agreement.

When you aren't playing eRep, what kinds of things do you do in real life?
Sports, reading, whisky, women, Guinness. Work as well, of course.

Obligatory picture of Homer's wife.

Would you provide Drunk Homer Times with a real life picture of yourself either drinking a beer, eating an ice cream cone, or playing in the snow?

I’ll try to provide one with all three for our next article.

Besides TemujinBC, would you agree that Muglack has the worst personality in all of eCanada?

Muglack might seem a bit rough around the edges, but I respect him quite a bit. TemujinBC, on the other hand, is a huge butt.

If we decided to have an "eCanada Round-Up" meeting/party, would you allow us to use your house for the after-party?

I would strongly consider it.

Boxers or Briefs?

Commando. (Editors note: F*ck Yeah!)

Blondes or Brunettes or Redheads?

1) All at once 2) Dark hair. 3) Redhead. 4) Blonde

Crest or Colgate?


Coke or Pepsi?

Straight Jameson.

Coke or Heroin?


I see that you are friends with Acacia Mason. Several years ago, I dumped a mug of beer on his lap in a Toronto restaurant. If you could meet Acacia in real life, would you dump a mug of beer on his lap also? Why or why not?

I would only do it if someone tried to lick it off afterwards. Otherwise it’s a waste of a perfectly good beer. Unless it was Canadian, Molson, Miller, etc… then it’s just piss and I have no problem with it.

Will you promise to unfriend crisfire after this article is published?

Only after receiving the 50g you promised me to do it.


Thanks a lot for reading through this interview. For more info on Jacks Broken Heart (and to encourage him to send in those pictures) feel free to use this handy link.

Hugs and Kisses,
