[IMPORTANT] Presidential Election Debacle....

Day 471, 01:48 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Presidential Elections just started and will the BUGS ever leave?

According to wiki, only the candidates from the top 5 parties can stand as country president. We have 7 parties in eIndia and the top 5s candidates show here...
Candidate list

So according to this the candidates should be:-
David Forde...

Now if we goto Voting booth we see...
Voting Booth

See anything?
-> The Indonesian candidate mAonK from India Republik Party is standing and dionysus vanished?
it shows dion's party supporting Brood, which it is not meant to.

This is a bug, which we need to address ASAP to save the country and point out this blasphemy.

Please send a bug report to Admins and Vote it up!!

Vote For BroodRoosterNL ONLY, No-One else.... Everyone else is just there as decoy to thwart the Indonesians...

By no chance for mAonK.... DON'T...