Day 746, 10:43 Published in USA USA by Pragmat


As some of you are aware, the AAP fell victim to the same mistake that many parties around the New World fell victim to this election cycle. The new goal module means that candidate endorsements get locked in and can not be changed. Thus the AAP was not able to change away from its placeholder candidate and endorse the winner of the AAP Primary: Josh Frost.

For those who have not vote😛 I am not going to tell you who to vote for, with any luck most of you are well informed. All I wish to tell you is that if you are simply looking to vote for a candidate based on who the AAP endorsed, the AAP actually endorsed Josh Frost. Stop voting for Herrn Sterling (no offense Sterling, you rock!)

For those who have vote😛 As a member of the AAP I apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this has caused. It is my hope that we have all learned from this experience.


Daniel Dodge