[IMPORTANT] 2011 / 4 / 26 Articles (Standard of Korean time)

Day 1,252, 20:56 Published in South Korea South Korea by shin945


네이버카페 WGSC에서 닉네임 '나무' 로, IRC #대한민국에서 닉네임 '영농인' 혹은 '나무'로 활동중인 shin945 입니다.

이 신문은 한국시간 기준입니다.
This newspaper is standard of Korean time.

원래는 기사가 올라오는대로 계속 수정하면서 올릴 것 입니다.
If articles are written, I'll try to add that articles at time.

기사를 못쓸때도 있을수도 있고, 저녁에 올라갈 수도 있습니다.
When I'm so busy, I can't write this newspaper or write late.

제가 몇가지 개인사정으로 인해, 기사를 못쓰거나 늦게 쓸 수 있습니다.
I have some personal circumstances. so I can't write this newspaper or write late.


기사제목 Title
신문명 / 편집자 newspaper's title / editor

요약 summary
내용 content
(제가 덧붙인 말) P.S.

링크 link
[★ 중요 / IMPORTANT ★]
1. 투표 현황
reporting about vote
[ Toronto Star / utoronto ]

투표 현황과 현황표가 있습니다.
reporting about vote and reporting chart of vote.

Your text to link here...

감사합니다. 😁
Thank you!

신문 기사 쓰시는분들 계신다면, 기사글 써주시고 코멘트 부탁드리겠습니다.
아직 찾아다니기가 많이 힘드네요;; 부탁드릴게요 ㅎ

I put articles together. So, If you write a article, Please write comment that you write a article.

I want to ask for writers who write articles in English.

Hello? I'm Korean and a high school student. So I can't speak English well.
Now, I try to put articles together for comfort. After the recent update, many Koreans are running into difficulties with finding articles. So, may I post your articles' link? Please allow me to publish your articles. And I earnestly plead that you writing a comment warning that you have writen an article. Please allow me to link your articles.