[I&W] our Program

Day 674, 11:43 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

Iron & Wine is the oldest party of the UNL and as such we have participated in many congress elections and governments. This month is no different and we proudly present our program for this coming month:

Home Affairs

Iron & Wine believes that it is best for the Union to start another discussion on a possible name change. We believe that the public should be given another chance to say if they agree. We do continue to believe that a 60% majority should be reached for it to continue.
Our country is still in need of a new updated constitution and Iron & Wine believes that this has to be done as soon as possible.

Foreign affairs

Foreign affairs should continue working on getting more ambassadors for our country. These ambassadors should become a bigger part of sales process of our Q5 hospitals and defense systems. They are in a unique position to increase our status in this world and improve our relations with other countries.

Recruitment and Coaching

Iron & Wine would like to see this department reshaped and renewed. There is too few active coaches in our country and more need to be found fast. There are too many new players that don’t have a coach and therefore might leave this world to fast without knowing all the possibilities.
Recruitment and Coaching should also put more effort in the recruitment of new players. This means making articles about eRepublik and most important about the UNL. These articles together with the link to the ebayboomsite should be posted on various game fora in The Netherlands and Belgium. Again more people are required to help with this department.

Media & Health

This ministry is responsible for the weekly news. Weekly news is important to inform the citizens, every minister should make a little article every week with the things they did or are going to do. The minister also informs new citizens by making articles about wellness, the forum, irc channels etc.

The UNL is currently spending the vast majority of its money and gold, no sums worth mentioning are being saved. This means that in time of war or economic hardship we will not have any reserves. Iron & Wine would like to see that a “war chest” is started. Each month the government will set aside a sum of money only used in times of great distress. This money might also be used to start a war with in the future in order to help PEACE or our own interest.

State Companies

A lot of sudden changes were made this month in this department. Iron & Wine welcomes the new managers and thanks them for their time and effort they put into this country. Several of these new managers already have a lot of new and innovative ideas for improving the state companies even more and Iron & Wine will fight for putting a lot of these suggestions in place. The cost can be brought down from these companies and a lot of them can even make more profit then they already do.

Monetary Market
A shadowy threat hangs above our nation as Luuklag has shown in his article. Foreign citizens and organizations have the ability to temporarily destroy our currency and thereby giving a devastating shock wave to our exporting companies. Short term actions are taken such as the printing of more NLG which is a very profitable thing as we are selling these NLG at 0.016 gold and buying them from the admins at 0.005. However, printing too much can result in extreme inflation and therefore devaluation of the NLG. Actions are needed to prevent this from happening now and in the future


Most departments do not have a budget. For example: Right now there is no clear budget for the Defense department and this makes a lot of things uncertain. How much can be spend on the FD or in case of a RW??? How much…?
Budgets provide financial transparency, something Iron & Wine has always supported.


Iron & Wine believes that it is a honor to serve ones country in a position as minister or president. The country and the voters deserve a government that is fully active at all times. Unfortunately, we had a lot of people that do not share our believe as many public servants became inactive during this period, some had good reasons others didn’t.
Most got replaced in time before real damage by their absence was done. To stop real damage from happening Iron & Wine propose that if a minister or the president is absent for more than 4 days, without previously warning from that person, he or she will be terminated. Currently such an rule already exists in some form for ministers but this doesn’t include the president.
Iron & Wine truly believes that our country, and its people, deserve an active government and leader.

Mitch Rapp
Party President I&W