[I&W]: The future lies in dialogue.

Day 764, 01:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

Agenda an thoughts for elections December 2009

Citizens of the eUNL,

As PP of Iron and Wine, I would first like to express my regret when reading the LSD article. The first thought that entered my mind, "The mudslinging campaign season has begun again." It saddens me though that the LSD needs to degrade half the political parties in order to get their "agenda" across. What their agenda is I still do not know. What I do know is that dirty politics is not politics or "campaigning". I have instructed my party members to refrain from such acts in the future because its not the way politics should work in the eUNL. That is why Iron and Wine wants politics to be about the facts and better communication. We hope that the other parties agree on this as well because that is needed for our future. Especially now when a major decision needs to be made and agreed upon.

So as you can see our focus this coming term will be dialogue.


What do we mean by that? Well we think that the coming election will be more important than ever. This is because in the coming month we will decide the direction our nation will take. As you are all aware of we must decide if we are to join the eUK under one flag, or continue as a union between eNetherlands and eBelgium.
If we decide to join everyone's voice should be heard regardless if you are BP, LP, LSD, GLD, GVD, or I&W. Once a decision has been taken we must work forward together. But first we must end the fighting between parties.
To do this we must have an open dialogue.

If we as a nation decide decide to remain as the eUNL, we must use dialogue also. I&W believes that we should work on reforming the way we conduct our politics. If we continue along this path of mud throwing we will all be heading down a path of self destruction.
We must rebuild our country through dialogue. Because dialogue is the foundation for unity, something that has been lacking these last few months.

Therefore fellow citizens, I ask you to support Iron and Wine.

Iron and Wine believes that politics should be about the facts and looking for ways to right our wrongs. We believe that politics should not be based on pointless accusations and mud slinging.
Iron and Wine believes that as a party we must inform our citizens about the merger so that everyone has all the facts. We do not believe that a party should choose the course of action, but that you should make it!

As you can see the coming election will be more important than any election we have had so far. So when you cast your vote think of the future of our nation.

Vote for reform and vote for dialogue.
Vote Iron and Wine.


PP of I&W

dialogue brings the path to unity