[I&W] Iron and Wine Party Program

Day 768, 03:56 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart
Iron and Wine Party Program

As we have stated the main factor which we will be focusing on is dialogue. We do not care about party size, because we care about party quality and the quality of our work. And that is why we will focus on dialogue between the parties. This dialogue will be about on the future of the eUNL.


The largest topic of the coming month will be with regards to the possible merger with the eUnited Kingdom. First and foremost we believe that we should iron out the major details in how a merger will take place. We believe a good plan must be presented to the people because for an operation like this to take place it must be done smoothly. Therefore topics like local autonomy, military issues, conversion of outstanding NLG, and state companies must be focused on as well as any other issues that may come up (eg. tactics behind the merge, constitution etc.). When this task is done we will take the second step, and that is informing the public of the details. People will get to see and read and discuss the issues. And only then when we feel that we have done our best to inform the people and that they have ALL the facts will we have a referendum. To rush things is irresponsible and goes at the cost of quality. Furthermore we believe that everyone make there own choice with regards to the merger and not have a party decide it for you!

Recruitment and Coaching

We believe that the basics for a successful baby boom lie in excellent coaching! That is setting up a welcome message that informs new players about the game etc. Once this foundation is in place we can focus on the recruitment of new players. This will be in the form of publishing at sites and getting everyone in the community to help out to get a hard needed baby boom rolling. We will try to get people to join via subscription links, and those players who reach lvl 6 will result in extra and needed gold entering our markets. We believe that through a well managed and properly set up system we can help our country grow, regardless of a merge! This is because it will benefit us all in the future!

State companies

We believe that state companies are only as good as those people who manage them! That is why we will continue our commitment to ensuring that these companies are properly run as we have done in the past! Furthermore we believe in having a free market as well as the necessity of training companies. Experienced works result in a better economy and that benefits us all. Furthermore we believe that state companies should not compete with market companies but should be there to provide goods at a fair price should there be not alternative.

Money Market

We believe that if the merger with the eUK does not take place, that the reunification of Belgium in our union will help restore the value of our currency and thus help stabilize the money market. We believe that maintaining the current policy is the best course of action. Furthermore we believe that we should reevaluate our current tax system.


We think that keeping up a high budget for defense is from the utmost important for our country, we saw during the reconquering of Flanders and Brussels and enormous rise in activity! Our army should have an iron discipline and be as active as possible! when we can make this happen we will really count on the battle field! Iron and Wine also believes that helping soldiers rank would be a great opportunity to increase activity and involvement.

In the previous month the I&W, GLV & LP coalition have laid the new foundation of our country's future. Through clear dialogue we can make sure that everyone is informed and that with good management we can navigate through the waters that lie before us.

Thanks for voting us in the congress elections!

Happy holidays,

PP of I&W