Day 477, 06:09 Published in Hungary Indonesia by wander howard

This news is presented by our media team: alfonzo, faczan, silentrazgriz, gallant0, and hhector. Pretty soon, we'll deliver you the most fascinating news from 5 continents, except... Africa.

Romania - A lesson learned too late. Much too late...

Many bitter lessons learned and earned by Romanians. After the battle of Northern Territories, Sebahmah finally wring out the obvious conclusion why ATLANTIS lost against PEACE GC.
1. They were defeated and outmatched by the last 2 hours wave, always.
2. Their Tanks are not well-equipped.
3. They didn't distribute weapons to allies.
4. The alliances are not really strong
5. Too few players use Wellness Box
6. Although on average, the troops had more average damage, they are simply not enough.
Ever heard of this proverb: Pride is the biggest sin of all. Anyway, a very well earned lesson.

Although Sebahmah also did the finger-pointing routine, citing the usual flaws like: The vanity of Romanian citizens, The profit-chasing economic environment, the error in army coordination, unconstructive media, miscalculations on part of Policy makers, Bad strategic decisions.
Now, Indonesians had enough of all that problems. We're all made from same clay and blood.
But why did we still win? Because we're united! Stop finger-pointing!

Southern Great Plains - A great festivity and air of joy hung over the Romania. Optimism, large migration, you name it. This joyful occasion was coincided by a TV Interview by Hungarian RL news featuring Quicksilver, citing hers and the magyars struggle against Romanians.

However, the mood was sombre on the intelectuals side. aren't they always worried?They are worried if Indonesia returned the Northern Regions to Russia they alone will have to face Romania.Though this discounted the MPPs.With the economy in crisis how will they revive their economy and defend against Romanian's vengeance?

Rest assured and savor the joy, Magyars. We will not leave you behind!
That's an Indo's worth of an Oath! Harcra Fel!

By the way, Harcra Fel's campaign is not over yet!
Subscribe all the papers listed here for the glory of Hungary!

Without a doubt, the most prudent, wise, shrewd, astute nation of ATLANTIS are Sweden.
They stick to their loyalty, defending Romanians with increasing force.
They are also far-sighted, seeing USA would feel offended by ATLANTIS fines, they resolutely send 100 G to USA as a sign of friendship. This act of great wisdom, if followed by other ATLANTIS nations would serve to consolidate the ruined alliance.

If I were ATLANTIS, I would each send 100 G for USA, and USA will send it back to them. Then, the discipline will be held, USA paid the fine, and ATLANTIS be united. However, because Crow Guardians proposed this, and if they really DID it, it would only mean that they are just not creative and bold enough, or sincere enough to mend a friendship in need.
Ever heard this proverb: a friend in need is a friend indeed. Sweden is indeed such true friend.

Yeah. Reminded of what happened months back?
Now they have come back!
Spain invaded French, conquered Acquitane and attacked Limousine.
At the same time, to help its allies and divert PEACE attention, Canada also attacked, despite what the Maple Leafers said about attacking next week!

French Government itself send a warm support for the struggle on Romanian front!

Berlin - Germany are still mired in several details on Austrian-Germany merger. However, our opinion is that the Burgenland problem would become a time bomb issue in the future.

Lisbon. Portugal Government is attempting to lower wages of all workers as a means
of improving the value of the PTE vs Gold. link here.

Also many are concerned that HAD THEY THREW FULL POWER against American Invasion, they could have saved Mexico earlier. But Euphonix and crews obviously knew which ground was the hottest.

USA - Operation Taco Bell is disclosed as PEACE GC counter-attack had arrived to save the day.
Link is listed here:

And of course, as usual, USA is having a hard crisis time again. They usually did after wars, this time was no exception. As their gas had ran out, so did the weapons. The price of Q1 weapons on BLACK MARKET are 0.33 G each. No wonder USA is the most inefficient nation in the world...

And they even had spare money to throw to the sea by inciting RW on West Australia. I wonder why... 🙁

The best way to sum up American's view on alliance, their own importance, and their immaturity can be seen here.

After being thrown away into rags, India switched their allegiance to Indonesia. Already starting to discuss the possibility of her restoration. Indonesia, however, still silent on the matter.

While Pakistan attacked Karnataka and several other regions to stop Indonesian's gears.


From South America we can see Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela united against USA!

Brazil seeks to sign MPP with France, and deepens relationship with her neighboring countries
But Brazilians are worried about High Inflations. you can google translate with portuguese --> english.

Chilean reported that they still need a lot of companies and workers to help boost the economy,
while Venezuela are looking for MPPs to anticipate USA invasion.


Seeing the news from most countries, I still haven't heard this called WORLD WAR III!
This scale of deployment can only amount to a WORLD WAR!

And it seemed that all talks of peace will flounder with many nations taking opportunity as THE TITANS CLASHED, and they would never stop and they knew very well they would drag the TITANS UNTIL BOTH FLOUNDERED.

Only when the TITANS WERE SILENT, the hyenas will be silent under their watchful guard.
Once again, when will peace come? For too many, economy had seen her greatest woe...

I, for one, wished to see peace dawning soon. But I'm afraid the second wave of greed and malice had risen. The proverb sai😛 the fresh waves pushed the old waves.
The ripples had arisen and the WORLD WAR had thundered!
After thunders, there come the storms.
Grip and endure hard.

"Badai pasti berlalu."

Editorial -