
Day 1,409, 05:51 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by ToHisWorld



Hello, once again, fellow citizenry. It is my utmost pleasure to announce that I am running for Country President of this great nation of the Philippines. I hope that I can earn your trust to guide the nation towards peace, re-establishment, and reform. I have a long, storied history in foreign affairs, and it again will be important within my administration, alongside rebuilding institutions from the ground up.

1. Peace with Taiwan. Military aggression is not the solution to this conflict. Look at the never-ending conflict between Australia and Indonesia, for an example of what constant aggression yields, or any of the other perennial fights--Serbia and Croatia, Romania and Hungary, Israel and Turkey, Ireland and the United Kingdom, and now Spain and the United States. Peace is possible, especially considering Taiwan's main concern is secure borders, and we are already moving in that direction with talks occurring over the next few days. Moving towards peace in our time is the absolute number one priority, because there is no sense draining both of our resources in a never-ending war.
軍事侵略是無法解決這個衝突的。看看在澳大利亞和印尼之間永無休止的戰爭,或任何其他長年戰鬥 - 例如塞爾維亞和克羅蒂亞,羅馬尼亞和匈牙利,以色列和土耳其,愛爾蘭和英國,以及最近的西班牙和美國。和平是有可能的,尤其是考慮到台灣需要的是安全的國界,在將來幾天的會談中我們會朝著這個方向努力。走向和平絕對是我們的首要任務,因為一個永不停歇的戰爭對我們以及台灣都是沒有任何利益的。

2. Military coordination. Considering the nation's military forces have splintered into the various militia camps (Elite Assassins, Junji Battalion, and Pacific Air Corps), it would make sense to tie them all back in together, with better coordination, in the form of a Security Council that represents each militia and can better direct damage and outside influence. After the economy gets moving again, we would hopefully be able to start providing government funding as well.

3. Congressional reform. As I have previously proposed, I would love to get more of our citizenry involved in government, especially concerning Congress, with the establishment of a free and open Plebeian Council, made up of anyone verified on the forums, and bringing more voices into the fold. It would allow us to more openly discuss issues, and inform the citizenry directly, instead of having to react to an international incident when someone publishes a manifesto of a radical policy. It also gets more people on the forums, making them more informed and civic-minded, less likely to be left in the dark.

4. Activity. I will be highly active for the rest of the month, and am always accessible somehow, especially over IRC, where most coordination and international events take place.

5. Active media presence. I will be pushing for more media involvement within my administration, myself included, bringing back daily articles. The media module may be broken, but it is still a very powerful tool.

6. Listening to Congress. Since we had no official congressional elections in game, Congress does not technically exist, leaving only the President with a vote to decide all policy until October 25th. I will follow the decisions of the forum-only 32nd Congress, which is composed of the 31st Congress, to the letter, and work with them on setting new policies.

7. Experience. I have been in this game for over 850 days. I have seen good and bad presidencies and policies, inactive governments, occupations, international breakdowns, and government theft. I have seen my own mistakes in past terms as President (3.5 official terms, 5.5 non-official) and served for over two years collectively in various cabinet positions. I have held every position in cabinet except the Minister of Finance (long live Negosyo) though I have done the job.

8. Open. Just because I am eOld, however, do not assume that I am not continually open to new ideas, innovating, and bringing new players into the fold. That is what brings the nation forward into the future.

As always, if you have any concerns/questions or would like to me to address something, feel free to comment below or send me a private message. I plan to work on establishing cabinet positions tomorrow, and I hope to see you all around on IRC and the forums!
一如往常,如果您有任何疑慮 /問題,或想給我什麼意見,請下面的評論回應或PM給我。我計劃在明天開始組織內閣,我也希望看到大家在長在IRC和論壇出現!



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