[hailey] Are you banned, too?!

Day 1,199, 02:44 Published in United Kingdom Iran by helia 14

Some of e-world old players are banned, temporarily or permanently. George Lemnaru told me he tries to stop it, and I think he will, 'cause it's good for everyone's benefit!

Now I want to ask everyone to not fight in wars, with so many citizens banned, it wont be a fare battle.

We citizens (all of us) stand together and help each other. One way to help is not facing each other in wars, and not wasting resources in it.

After settling everything down, we can start it again! xD


doing over-thrilled won't do any good to us, just will make them worse. Be patient, and cooperate with each other. It's a Brain-time, isn't it?!

thanks for your precious time,


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