"Guru Nubish" - Some info you may like

Day 524, 13:05 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

Firstly, go away 😛

Second, there are new countries popping ALL up around the eWorld soon

in Asia
North Korea

In southern America 5 new counties will be added...now think about it...would u rather stay here and be hated and come under attack at every single election....? or...would u rather show up and take control of one of these new countries? a country who doesn't know of ur "Guru Nubish" and ur complete insults

oh and btw...id prefare if u DO decide to move that its in S.A because its further away 😛 BUT DO NOT STEAL THE GOLD AND RUN make the country yours...

and if u decide to stay...well i guess ull just have to put up with us screaming at you 😛