[GOV/PRE] Don't sink too low! :P

Day 559, 20:43 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta

There has been a lot of intelligent discussion on our economy in an article here, and as Minister of Finance I feel I need to respond and address each individual one.

Hireshmont Vellos makes an excellent point. The monetary/labor cycle in a real life economy is circular: a low currency causes comparatively low wages which increases exports, which would in turn drive up our currency. Our labor wages would then become more expensive, causing our exports to fall, and driving our currency back down again, which brings us back to the start of the cycle.

Hence, because our currency is comparatively low in value, we should capitalize on this and keep it low.

Unfortunately, this only works in real life, where there is a restriction of freedom of labor movement.

In eRepublik, people are free to move, and because they are not 'stuck' here working for lower wages, most will go abroad to seek better paying jobs. As such, our labor supply will be restricted or will even shrink.

And with the advent of the black market, cheap food is hardly a factor in sustaining labor.

We should be keeping our wage low to increase foreign investment is, but we have enough companies present in Malaysia, with a few of them shutting down due to a lack of labor. Investment will not come if there is not enough sustainable labor, regardless of how cheap labor is.

Now, I am not saying that we should increase the value of the MYR, but keeping the MYR at 0.007 purely because we want to keep our comparative wage low is not the solution, but a variable that we should adjust and tinker with to get the right balance between the right amount of labor and the right amount of foreign investment. After all, what is Newton's third law?

What I think the Central Bank should do is to continue stimulating the economy in ways that will increase our labor force (not neccesarily through high wages), while keeping a reasonable exchange rate to draw in investment. The exchange rate must reflect a reasonable wage that balance between the price that the labor market demands and the price that the investors demand.

Finally we have some intelligent discussion on this issue! (other than me and Nagyzee on private IRC chats) Back to you Hireshmont Vellos 😉

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(I won't hesitate, no more, no more, it cannot wait..... I'm yours.....) - Who doesn't love Jason Mraz 😛 (its your god forsaken right to be love, love, lovvvved)