[GOV] New tax scheme - Updated

Day 784, 19:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear citizens of Malaysia,

The last few days one of the main topics has been the much needed tax reform. Which in this case unfortunately means a big increase of taxes, but since the higher MPP prices and the wars have depleted the state's reserves it's inevitable. The Malaysian congress has discussed the tax reform proposal and then voted on the favoured new scheme.

By decision of the congress, income taxes will be set at 18% and VAT at 3%. Below I'm publishing the new tax table. I'd like to ask congress members to start proposing the new taxes. Numbers are given below as income tax / import tax / VAT.

Foo😛 18% 30% 3 % - done
Gift: 18% 30% 3 % - needs fixing
Weapon: 18% 10% 3 % - done
Moving Tickets: 18% 30% 3 % - needs fixing
Grain: 18% 1% - not done
Diamonds: 50% 1% - no change needed
Iron: 50% 1% - not done
Oil: 18% 99% - done
Woo😛 18% 99% - done
House: 18% 30% 3 % - done
Hospital: 18% 1% 1 % - done
Defense System: 50% 1% 1 % - no change needed

Please make sure to set a debate area for your proposals. Just copy paste the following line as such:

That's all. Please be careful and make sure to submit the correct proposals. Also when you vote on the proposals please check first whether they are submitted correctly and contain the agreed on tax figures. Thank you.


The tax proposals for moving tickets, gifts and iron were not submitted correctly. Please submit those again. Also grain is not fixed yet either. The rest are done. Please submit these remaining four proposals! Thank you

Minister of Finance