[Gov] MPP with Malaysia / Need for gold

Day 785, 00:25 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

Dear citizens,

today we will start the voting on renewing the MPP with our neighbor Malaysia. Malaysia is not only our "best friend" who has helped us a lot in our history. Malaysia is also the host of the Sol war games with about 17 participants. War games help every citizen of Thailand to gain experience and level up.

We could not make a better choice how to spend our money.

Alas, this MPP costs 200 gold, and there is a fee of a few gold per battle, too. Our Central Bank owned not more than 220 gold in total.

This means that we are going to spend all our gold for these war games.

This is not so good. We should have an amount of at least 100 gold in reserve, and we need to prepare for next month's MPP, too. This is why I ask citizens for donations right now:

1. Everybody who can give a small amount should do so.
2. Congress members should donate their 5 gold from the congress elections. This has been custom in Thailand for many months, and I want to see this continued.
3. I ask the party presidents to set up a rule in each party saying that every congress member MUST donate these 5 gold to the Central Bank.

All donations shall be made to the Central Bank of Thailand.