[GOV] Help abroad against PTOs!

Day 643, 15:07 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Foreign Office of eMalaysia

The (in)glorious golden era of PTOs has ended with the introduction of citizenship but there are still loopholes which allow for taking over a country. Most notably one can get the citizenship of fresh or re-emerging countries automatically till the first congress is elected. Right now we have two friendly countries without a congress who have asked for help, South Africa and South Korea.

Problem is that we have problems ourselves with handing out citizenships so we definitely can't afford to send people out who hold Malaysian citizenship in game. But Albert Neurath has come up with a great idea. We have several former eThai and some other users waiting who can unfortunately only get their union citizenship after the elections and thus can't vote here. They could on the other hand provide valuable help in these two countries with their votes. Here is what you should do if you don't have Malaysian citizenship yet and you are ready to help:

1. Contact the Foreign Office stating your intentions of voting abroad.
2. You'll receive two moving tickets from the Foreign Office so that you can travel there and back for free.
3. Once you have the tickets, you should move to the target country and apply for citizenship which will be granted automatically. You can either travel back right away or on the 25th after casting your vote. Once you have the citizenship of the country you'll be able to vote on their elections even from home.
4. On the 25th vote for the official candidates of the country!

The two targeted nations are:

South Africa

South Africa is threatened by an international (but mostly American) group lead by the infamous Ajay Bruno. If you take South African citizenship and vote there, please read the article of the president of South Africa and follow the advice inside! This includes checking out this to-be-regularly-updated site on which of the official candidates needs votes the most at any given time so that you can cast your vote the most effectively.

South Korea

South Korea is the target of the Theocrats who'd like to set up their new state there. I wouldn't really like to take sides as yesterday we received help both from South Koreans and Theocrats which we are very thankful for. We have also been on good terms with the latter for months. On the other hand Thailand had good relations with South Korea and they are a future member of Sol and they'd also deserve their chance at running their country. Though we have promised our help to South Africa first if you'd like to move to South Korea to help you'll also receive free moving tickets as I think it's most fair this way. In this case you should check out this article which presents the congress candidates of both sides.

Albert Neurath will be responsible for the distribution of moving tickets and handling ATO mailing at the Foreign Office though in his absence NAR Henry or Vikta are also welcome to help in by donating moving tickets out to appliers. Once again, only those can receive free moving tickets who are known and trusted citizens of the union without citizenship yet unfortunately.

Best regards,