Day 3,420, 01:49 Published in USA Netherlands by Feynmann

Hi guys,

Today I was inspired by the admins’ April 1st update to go with another article.

Now the first time I read it I couldn’t believe that. I was like

But then I read it again. And I found something deeply bothering – not the “switch strength option”, which in my opinion is fun, but the way the admins introduced this option.

I’m only a month and a few days old and I don’t know, for sure, how and old player would feel about that, but I would guess he/she won’t be laughing. I guess what they read in this message is:

“Hey noobs, are you tired of all the old idiot spenders having so much strength, gained for years of clicking and money spending? Yeah? So you know what, we wanted them to spend even more money so, some time ago, we introduced the Maverick pack. Buying it with RL money, they are not only a lot stronger than you, but they could steal all your BHs even in low divisions – go HATE THEM now. So today and only today, to make things even we allow you to get your revenge by “ASKING THOSE IDIOTS POLITELY” to switch your strength with theirs for whole 2 hours. HAVE FUN TODAY – LOVE YOU – SPEND MORE RL MONEY”

I am not sure what your PR & Marketing guys were thinking or if they were thinking at all, but having some vague experience with marketing from years back, I can tell you – that is not how you treat your clients, especially your best ones. How do you think they felt reading that message?

They spent years playing this game spending their time, devotion and money and that’s what they get??? It’s not fair.

Don’t get me wrong the idea was, again, fun. But the way it was introduced was idiotic, at least. You could have gone with something like:

“Dear citizens,
Its April 1st today, so in order to celebrate the day we decided to introduce .... switch strength .. whatever update... In that way the new players can get a glimpse of what is it to have a lot of strength and the old players can remember their old days from the early years of the game. Hope you all, old and new alike, will have a lot of fun on this day”.

Or something similar.

So, admin guys – please spend some money and send your marketing guys to a marketing seminar or something so they can learn a thing or two about business< – >client interactions.

As I said earlier I am a new player and I greatly enjoy the game. I even consider spending RL money on it, but things like this update give me second thoughts. So please don’t ruin the game with bad PR and marketing.

I also decided to add a few more April 1st suggestions:

- Switch your rank with some other player’s rank for a Day. 😉

- Switch all the player’s companies with some other player’s companies for a whole day. Now how cool that is. And it’s fun. I am sure the old players will love that too.

- Switch Q1 weapons’ stats with Q7 Weapons’ stats for a whole day. Wink Wink

- Give everyone 50 April 1st Energy Bars that will expire by the end of the day. 😃

The list can go on …

That’s for today guys

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