[FNN] Battle for California

Day 1,310, 00:33 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

This just in: Certain Turkish individuals can't tell the difference between a racist comment and a JRPG in-joke. However, even in the face of this willful ignorance, FNN remains devoted to providing the most fair, balanced and unapologetically biased news in eJapan since the Tohoku fallout.

I'm C.L. Pastalia, FNN correspondent. Our story today concerns California. According to sources, Indonesia has invaded California. Why exactly they would want to go there with all the earthquakes is an open question. But evidently, there is a battle going on and California is the target.

Breaking news update!
Let's go to Yuki Nagato, live in the field. Yuki?


You had news on the battle for California?

It is finished.

Really? That was quick.

In the last thirty minutes of the final battle of the campaign, the Indonesian Country Points rose from 400, well below the margin of victory, to over 1700. Although both sides continued fighting right up to the end, the United States was overwhelmed.

Wait, so was this an alliance victory? Did ONE bring in the big guns?

It is impossible to be sure with the available data. However, this is a likely scenario.

...Alright, thank you Yuki.

Here to comment on the likely effect of this battle, we have guest commentators Rise Kujikawa, and Fuuka Yamagishi! Thank you both for coming in today.

Glad to be here!

Thank you for having us.

First, Fuuka: What can we expect as the result of this surprise conquest?

Well, the American government has been taken by surprise by this attack. Although it is only the second battle in this war, it was rated a "Critical battle" by the US Department of Defense. Mainly, this was because California was the US capital. Also, there are over 2,600 residents -- mostly eUS citizens -- that are now behind enemy lines.

Thank you, Ms. Yamagishi. Now Rise, what would you say is the relevance for eJapan here, at a time when our own regions are in contention and Kyushu is seeing Resistance Wars almost daily?

First of all, at least officially, the Kyushu and Chugoku regions are being rented to China. There was a bit of suspicion in the past whether China would have given them back if asked. But honestly, we need the money! And China has kept the deal to the letter, even with the suspicions from our Congress and our media.

To keep perspective, the eUS, one of our longest allies, is under direct attack by four enemy nations: Spain, Poland, Hungary and now Indonesia. Each of these has captured American regions, and none of them has any intention of giving these up quietly. So this certainly should be relevant to eJapan, and we owe it to our allies to support them in this time of trial.

Well said, Kujikawa-san. Do you have anything to add, Ms. Yamagishi?

There is so much that ordinary eJapanese can do to help. Now that health can be restored every six hours, everyone can play a part in winning battles. Even if you can only fight twice per day -- that's once more than you used to be able to. Please, do what you can and fight for our allies, so that they can defend us in turn.

Any final thoughts?

Both Terra and eJapan need enthusiasm and activity to reach our best. It's up to us, so even with these setbacks, keep it up and we'll be stronger in the end!

And that's a wrap. Next on FNN, why bribes don't work and why it matters! But first, your regularly scheduled eRepublik programming.