[Flitwick Lottery] Results for 12th of June - 3e Players Won more than 2000 SEK

Day 1,300, 13:18 Published in Sweden Germany by Flitwick

The results for Flitwick Lottery on the 12th of June 2011 is in. Three players won more than 2000 SEK. There still has not been any tickets with 5 correct, so it is still possible to win a lot of money.
More than 30000 SEK is currently in the total pot.

Some stats:

Tickets: 981
Pot: 19191.1 SEK
Gold Pot: 20392 SEK

Pot (5 correct): 9595.5 SEK
Pot (4 correct): 5757.3 SEK
Pot (3 correct): 3838.2 SEK

Total Winners
5 Correct: 0
4 Correct: 3
3 Correct: 30

Pay Out Per Ticket
5 Correct: 0
4 Correct: 1919
3 Correct: 127

Transferred to Bonus Pot: 9595.5

Next Draw
on 13.06.2011 at 22:00 CET

Pot: 10722.5 SEK
Gold Pot: 20392.8 SEK

Pot (5 correct): 5361.3 SEK
Pot (4 correct): 3216.8 SEK
Pot (3 correct): 2144.5 SEK

12 player have a surplus on their playing account, several of them have won more than 2000 SEK in surplus.
Next Draw is on the 13th of June at 22:00 CET. Buy your tickets already now and compete for a first price of at least 26000 SEK.

Link to the game site: http://flitwick-lotto.tk/

Sincerely Yours,