[Flitwick Lottery] Results for 11th of June - A Player Won 6543.60 SEK

Day 1,299, 14:06 Published in Sweden Germany by Flitwick
Draw (11.06.2011)

Some stats for the draw on the 11th of June:

Pot: 20686.8 SEK

Pot (5 correct): 10343.4 SEK
Pot (4 correct): 6206 SEK
Pot (3 correct): 4137.4 SEK

Total Winners
5 Correct: 0
4 Correct: 1
3 Correct: 49

Pay Out Per Ticket
5 Correct: 0
4 Correct: 6206
3 Correct: 84

Transferred to Bonus Pot: 10343.4

Next Draw
on 12.06.2011 at 22:00 CET

Pot: 11343.1 SEK
Gold Pot: 20000 SEK

Pot (5 correct): 5671.5 SEK
Pot (4 correct): 3402.9 SEK
Pot (3 correct): 2268.6 SEK

From the next draw the Gold Pot is introduced. Now you can win even more.
Find out more on http://flitwick-lotto.tk

Sincerely Yours,