[Flitwick Lottery] Results for 10th of June

Day 1,298, 13:41 Published in Sweden Germany by Flitwick
Draw (10.06.2011)

Some stats for the draw on the 10th of June:

Winning numbers: 14 23 25 10 5
Tickets: 1030
Pot: 21255 SEK

Pot (5 correct): 10627.5 SEK
Pot (4 correct):
6376.5 SEK
Pot (3 correct): 4251 SEK

Total Winners
5 Correct: 0
4 Correct: 4
3 Correct: 34

Pay Out Per Ticket
5 Correct: 0
4 Correct: 1594.1
3 Correct: 125

Transferred to Bonus Pot: 10627.5

Next Draw
on 11.06.2011 at 22:00 CET

Pot: 12841.25 SEK

Pot (5 correct): 6420.6 SEK
Pot (4 correct): 3852.4 SEK
Pot (3 correct): 2568.3 SEK

So, the lottery was a huge success and 12 people has come out of day one with a surplus. Some have a bigger surplus than others.
If you want to participate in the next drawing, then read here how to do it:

Sincerely Yours,