(FHD) When someone needs help...

Day 1,353, 07:58 Published in Sweden Sweden by itfolk

When someone needs help...

Have you ever been in a situation when everything is a mess? Maybe you've spent your last cash on beer and pizza, this happends to us all sometime in our life - for some more than others.

But think if every bit of your lifesavings were stolen?
Every bit and peace of your entire life is vanished, even your life as you know it. This is the situation upon a permanent ban from our beloved God - Plato.

This happened to a beloved member of Folkhemmet, he was stolen his entire e-life in a second - banned for multiples. He was just playing and having a nice time with his friends, from the same IP of course - and yes, maybe they did affairs with one other but not anything unusual at all.

Eric Masterson is banned, he will be missed by us all...
He left a brother behind, a very poor brother who needs our care - how can you not feel it in your heart to help this poor brother?

If you see him around, be sure to give him coins for food and weapons - thats all that folkhemmet is about, to be there for each other.

The Caring Folkhemsdemokraterna