[Federalist Press] PP Election Info

Day 1,759, 20:59 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

The Federalist Press - Day 1759 - September 13, 2012

Hello Federalist Party!

This article is being brought to you by the Federalist Party Media Department. We'll be bringing you updates to keep you, the party, informed about what's going on.

Our Party Presidential Primary has just ended, and we would like to congratulate the winner, Paul Proteus, on his victory.

Please remember, that this makes Paul Proteus the only official candidate for Party President, so vote for him tomorrow.

Congressional elections are coming up, so head on over to the Forums to sign up to run. Please remember that anyone who is not running is going to be needed as a Blocker and/or Mobile Voter, so please sign up.

To sign up to be a Congress candidate,please visit here.

To sign up to be a Blocker candidate, bit.ly/FebBlocer

To sign up to be a Mobile Voter, bit.ly/FedMobileVoter

If you have any problems getting access to the forum or signing up, please send e5anderm a message.

Lastly, we are looking for talented people to take on some work within the party. If you are looking to advance up the Party Politics ladder, or just help out, this is the place to start.

Fed Party Job Sign up

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more of the most up to date info concerning the Federalist Party.