[Federalist Press] August Party Organization

Day 1,731, 21:44 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

The Federalist Press - Day 1731 - August 16, 2012

Hello Federalist Party!

This article is being brought to you by the Federalist Party Media Department. Yes, we're back in business. We'll be bringing you updates to keep you, the party, informed about what's going on.

At the top of our party, we're led by the recently elected Party President Malarkey83.

Also running the party, is our Vice Party President Bigcdizzle.

You can't discuss the Federalist party without discussing its most important department, the Political Department (PD). These are the people that work tirelessly to organize voters, candidates, and blockers, help campaigns, get people in the right places. Without them managing the Congress, Party President and Country President elections, we'd all be lost.

The Director of the Political Department is e5anderm.

e5anderm is assisted by AlexJ1890 and Paul Proteus.

The next department is the Federalist Outreach Program (FOP). These are the people that give their time to send out all the lovely mass messages to EVERY SINGLE Fed member. They keep us informed on the happenings in the party, such as the PP and CP Primary, as well as Congress information, and anything else that is needed to be relayed. In an age of somewhat dead media, these people truly make a difference in keeping all of us on the ball and up to date.

The Director of the Federalist Outreach Program is GreeKM4N.

GreeKM4N is assisted by Creitzell.

The Fed party Recruitment & Retention Departments (R&R) is what helps us recruit new Fed members, and also keep the ones who are already here. This department is responsible for creating activities to keep players engaged and join IRC to chat.

The Director of the Recruitment department is Bigcdizzle.

Bigcdizzle is assisted by:

Poisin224 and xOrganic

The Director of the Retention department is RizonPT.

RizonPT is assisted by:

Deputy Director Mr. Booboo Kittybottoms


Gunnar Posey and TomT.

The Federalist Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a long, and storied department of the Fed Party. It was originally developed by Fingerguns and has been run by many amazing Feds, including Angelini and Stewy. The FBI is designed to help the Fed party during Congress elections to determine potential PTO candidates and ensure the protection of the eUnited States.

The Director of the FBI program is Harry W. Hill.

Harry W. Hill is assisted by:

Deputy Director Malarkey83

Agents: GreeKM4N, 5440, AlexJ1890, Maximum Ride, Crue Knight, Jetsmets, Dbsndust and SempreNox.

And last, but certainly not least, we have the recently revived Media Department where we'll be bringing you updates about our Party for your reading pleasure.

The Director of the Media Department is Malarkey83.

Malarkey is assisted by:

Rough Rider and BornToday.

Congressional elections are coming up, so head on over to the Forums to sign up to run. Please remember that anyone who is not running is going to be needed as a Blocker and/or Mobile Voter, so please sign up.

To sign up to be a Congress candidate,please visit here.

To sign up to be a Blocker candidate, bit.ly/FebBlocer

To sign up to be a Mobile Voter, bit.ly/FedMobileVoter

If you have any problems getting access to the forum or signing up, please send e5anderm a message.

Lastly, we are looking for talented people to take on some work within the party. If you are looking to advance up the Party Politics ladder, or just help out, this is the place to start.

Fed Party Job Sign up

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more of the most up to date info concerning the Federalist Party.

If YOU would like to contribute, please contact Malarkey83 with your submission.

If you would like your paper listed here, please contact Malarkey83 with your link!