[Fed Press] Why I Love Being a Fed

Day 1,765, 20:46 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

The Federalist Press - Day 1765 - September 19, 2012

This article can be originally found in One Sky's newspaper. This is a repost from his newspaper.

In this article I will try to tell you how great The Federalist Party is.

Before I will tell you "Why I love being a FED" I have to tell you what FED means to me :



I joined The Federalist Party 3 days ago but I feel like it has been 3 years.In this 3 days i have made a lot of friends.The members of The Federalist Pary allways help each other . I am proud to be part of this group . My friends here make eRepublik very entertaining.Join us ! I am sure you will make true friends here !


A word that describes The Federalist Party.This party is in my opinion the best party in eUSA.The members of it make extraordinary things. Together the FEDs can change the world .We need you to make this group bigger and stronger . Together we can be extraordinary. Together we can make a difference!


When it comes to helping our country The Federalist Party will allways be there. It is our duty to care about our country . It is our duty to make eUSA the most powerful state in the eWorld . And it is our duty to help everyone who joins the Federalist Party !

Now let me tell you why I love being a FED so much .

In this party I found something special and strange in the same time. It doesn't matter if I am ingame , I am chating on IRC or I surf the forum.I allways fell comfortable and I know that the feds are there watching my back and my friends will allways help me overcome the difficulties in eRepublik.

I am Proud and Horny to be a FED. You can be a FED too . We don't care if you joined yesterday or 2 years ago for us you are a FED. Do your duty , serve your country , help your friends. But , the most important thing , be a FED ! Together we can make a difference !

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