[Fed Press] Interview with Dennis McVicker

Day 1,750, 14:53 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

The Federalist Press - Day 1750 - September 4, 2012

Hello America!

We're here to tell you why Dennis McVicker is the right choice for our country. We have endorsed him as a party, but why should you vote for him?

Here's a note from George Armstrong Custer:

Dennis' platform is one of reconciliation and peace, while still maintaining American strength and respecting our sovereignty. He's a thoughtful and intelligent player, not given to emotional words or actions. If Dennis takes us to war, it won't be "for lolz" or "because, screw them anyways." If he brings us to peace, it won't be hindered by "because we've always been enemies" nor will it be "to be on the winning side."

In short, I see a kind of personal integrity in Dennis that is all-too rare among politicians.

And here's a message from Bombonato:

Dennis is offering America a positive + proactive + transparent government.

America first, success through hard work and team effort. How refreshing does that sound. A candidate willing to listen, offering to be held accountable, welcoming skilled players to work together?

He has a platform, ideas and goals... but unlike the other candidates he is not trying to force that down anyone's throat. Nor is he claiming he has all the answers.

As a military man I believe in working, as a team, to achieve any and all goals. I believe in merit and opportunity. This is why I chose to be part of this ticket: because in my book Dennis is already a winner.

We sat down with Mr. McVicker for a brief interview:

1.) What makes you feel qualified to run for POTUS?

I have qualities that I think America could benefit from, integrity, honor, and determination. If you add my willingness to include new people, and my ability to actually present strong and coherent policy strategies, I think I could benefit America as its CP. What my opponents call inexperience I see as one of my strengths. I haven't been in government long enough to become bitter, jaded, or cynical; and I have a lot of enthusiasm that my opponents lack.

2.) Why should a player vote for you, instead of any of the other candidates?

I think players should vote for me because I am focussed on building the community first, and using all other facets of my administration as a means of doing that. I have put up policy focused entirely on the community, and ways to keep new players playing and get them involved.

3.) In your foreign policy announcements, you mention focusing on Asia/Oceania. Any specific countries we'll be working with more or fighting? And what about our EDEN friends? Will we continue working with them?

I'm open to friendly relations with any nation that is willing to show they can be a team player, if we help you, you should be willing to help us when we need help. I'm not opposed to friendly relations with Eden, I am opposed to a one sided relationship that leaves us fighting in the same battles everyday.

4.) How do you feel about the current administration's policy regarding giving away our 100/100 bonus?

I understand the reasons they want to do it, but I do not think it will net the results they believe it will. If elected I will reevaluate this plan and move forward after considering all options. My objections to this plan have resulted in me looking for a replacement for my pick for Vice President.

5.) In regards to your education for the military program, will that only be open to official USAF MUs or all?

My education program will be open to any and all MUs who are willing to educate new players, but it will start with the Airforce as it is under direct control of the administration.

6.) For the newer players, can you tell us why you've chosen each of your cabinet members?

CoS - Molly Emma: I chose her because she understands what I'm trying to do with efforts to build our community, and the pitfalls associated with it from her time in DoI.

SoD - Bombonato: He is a retired Army General who has one of the best military minds we have had in this country, and he has shown a commitment to my plan for bringing all MUs to the table regarding military strategy.

Communications - Dr Luis Sentieiro: He was my communications director in the Department of Education and he showed exemplary leadership and a willing to do whatever needed to be done.

SoS - Fhaemita Malodorous: He has been involve in the State Department and has shown a commitment to expanding our circle of friends while not alienating our current friends.

Secretary of Education - Emdoublegee: He was my Deputy in the Department of Education and helped lead the revival and relaunch of the mentor program. I can think of no one I trust more to educate our new players and get them active.

7.) Is there anything you would like to say to the eUSA citizens that are going to vote tomorrow?

I want each voter to thoroughly consider who they think will best lead our country regardless of party affiliation or whether or not you think they are a likeable person. Instead I want voters to look at what each candidate offers our country, and I know that if they do I will be their choice for our next President.