[FDP] - Your PM Candidate

Day 706, 18:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

Well the FDP have thought about it, considered various options, have discussed it thoroughly.

Earlier this week those who wished to make themselves candidates for the coming elections were invited to present to the party their intentions and why they should be chosen. Although we started out with a number of candidates, after deliberations only two decided to go ahead to a vote.

Finally, the members of FDP voted and are proud to announce their decision on who they will run as their candidate in the next elections!

What we looked for

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that the coming month will not only be a trying one, but also an interesting one. With the political scene as it is, both at home and abroad, we really needed someone who will get stuck in. Who cares enough about all aspects of eUK life to lead our country from the top.

However, we also wanted someone different. Our domestic political scene is dominated by one party and we want to provide the electorate with an alternative view, we want to provide a real option in the forthcoming elections and not the same faces again and again.

Who is this man?

Although relatively (e)young, he is ambitious and intelligent. In his time as a congressmen and more importantly as a citizen of our fair nation, he has shown himself to be confident and able, to participate and contribute and not fear getting involved. Most importantly he is active and determined.

Aelar Vardamir Anari Eneibari is a man of action with deliberation and he has the full and confident backing of all the members of the FDP.

What we need to do next

Over the coming weeks, we will be active in showing you who our candidate is, what he wants and why and for what reason you, the public, should vote for him on the 5th November.

We will fight to make ourselves be heard and give the public an election they deserve and not a forgone conclusion.

You'll hear more very very soon! ...

But for now, congratulations to Aelar.

Join us in to help run what will no doubt be an exciting and intense Prime Ministerial election campaign
